How much is BYD Han EV, will you pay without hesitation?


How much is BYD Han EV, will you pay without hesitation?

In the eyes of many consumers, independent brands have developed well in recent years, but if the price is higher than 200 thousand, they will not consider it. Therefore, the price of 200,000 yuan has become a thick and hard ceiling for the upward development of independent brands.

Even so, there are many brands trying to break the shackles, such as BYD. Its Tang EV was priced between 277,900 yuan and 377,900 yuan. At that time, this flagship SUV helped BYD establish a high-quality image with brand-new product strength. In the field of cars, this year BYD will bring a masterpiece with excellent shape, performance and battery life-Han EV, and continue to attack the 200,000 ceiling.

In appearance, Han EV adopts the latest Dragon Face design language, and the overall visual effect is high-end and elegant. The front face adopts a closed middle net, and the headlights on the left and right sides are chic and slightly raised. A silver ornament is chrome-plated through the closed middle net to connect the headlights on both sides, making the front face more stretched and open.

The length, width and height of Han EV are 4980/1910/1495mm, and the wheelbase is 2920 mm. The slender body size supports a powerful gas field. Viewed from the side, its body proportion is harmonious, the profile design is simple and elegant, and the flexible waistline gradually narrows from the C-pillar to the upper part, which matches with the hidden door handle design to outline the dynamic and washed coupe posture.

Regarding the body design, BYD Han EV pays special attention to it. If you look closely, you can find that its front part is more rounded and its tail part is more square, which is precisely due to the design concept of "front circle and rear". The rounder the front section, the easier it is for the wind to fit the car body quickly when it is impacted by the wind, while the more the rear section is, the wind can leave the car body quickly. With the clever design and the assistance of aerodynamic suite, the drag coefficient of BYD Han EV is amazing, only 0.233Cd, even lower than Tesla Model S(0.24Cd).

In the interior part, it adopts the embracing design language, and its style is simple and lively, not complicated. The most eye-catching thing is still the characteristic of BYD dynasty family-large-size suspended rotating central control panel. In addition, in terms of details, Han EV is also polished exquisitely. Its center console is decorated with matte silver, which effectively enhances the texture of the interior. The materials used are even more generous, and a lot of soft materials, piano paint and stitching techniques are used to create a good sense of luxury.

In terms of configuration, the specific configuration of Han EV has not been announced, but there is no doubt that it will be equipped with the latest generation of DiPilot intelligent driving assistance system and DiLink system. These two systems are BYD’s two major achievements in the field of intelligent driving and intelligent networking, which have always been well received. It is reported that Han EV will have a DiTrainer "coaching mode", which is the first in the industry and has the ability of self-renewal and evolution. It can combine users’ driving habits with driving scenes to improve users’ driving convenience.

In terms of power and endurance, Han EV handed over an excellent answer sheet.

Its maximum power is 363kW, and its peak torque is 680N·m, surpassing Xpeng Motors P7(316kW, 655N·m) and Tesla Model 3 (340 kW, 639 N m), and it has entered the "3-second club" of global production vehicles with a score of 3.9 seconds, while Xpeng Motors P7′ s best acceleration score is only 4.3 seconds.

In terms of battery life, Han EV is equipped with a "blade battery" with high safety and long battery life. The single-motor version of NEDC has a battery life of 605 kilometers and the dual-motor version of NEDC has a battery life of 550 kilometers. No matter which data, it can dispel consumers’ long-term battery life anxiety.

Whether it is design, performance or battery life, Han EV has shown good strength. How much is the price of such a boutique domestic car?

We might as well guess that at present, BYD’s most expensive car in the car field is Qin PRO EV, and its price is between 149,900 and 204,900 yuan. From the positioning and product strength of Han EV, its level and pricing will definitely be higher than Qin Pro EV.

Looking at its competing products, the price range of Xpeng Motors P7 is between 229,900 and 349,900 yuan, and the length, width, height and performance of Han EV are superior to it. From this point of view, its price should be slightly higher than P7.

Although Tesla Model 3 is not an opponent of Han EV in terms of level standards, its attack scope has always been extensive, and it can compete with luxury brands, new forces and traditional car companies, and I believe that many people will choose between it and Tesla Model 3 after the listing of Han EV in the future. At present, Tesla’s pricing is between 29.18-41.98 million yuan. From the perspective of performance, size and battery life, Han EV is better than Model 3, but its brand power is not as good as Tesla’s, and Model 3 is popular. In order to strengthen the competitiveness of Han EV, its price should be lower than Model 3, but the models with medium, high and above may exceed the upgraded version of Model 3 standard endurance rear drive (291,800 yuan).

In summary, the pricing range of Han EV may be 240,000-360,000 yuan.

If it were you, how much would you pay for BYD Han EV?


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