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Map navigation has the truth, Baidu or Autonavi, which is more reliable?

  In this era of Internet +, navigation apps have become a must-have software for drivers, and friends who drive frequently rely more on navigation software. Usually, each car owner has his own navigation app, but what are the differences between different navigation software? With the help of a team-building activity, Sohu Automotive Truth Lab colleagues decided to complete a navigation software comparison test. This navigation test uses two mainstream navigation software: Autonavi Map and Baidu Map, hoping that the test can give friends who drive frequently some reference value.

  The team-building activity started from Sohu Media Building, and the destination was Beijing Yulin Tangquan Farm. Our two editors each drove a car, planned the route with two navigation software, Autonavi Map and Baidu Map, and followed the route planned by the two navigation. Not only to see who arrives first, but also to experience the intelligent and humanized navigation during the driving process.

  navigationfunctionComparison: Whether it is comprehensive, fine, and intelligent, whose navigation function is more innovative and intelligent;

  MapdataComparison: whether it is accurate, real-time, and rich, whose positioning is more accurate, and whose route planning is more time-saving, should be changed in a timely manner to reach the destination faster.

  userexperienceComparison: Whether it is professional, easy to use, and entertaining, whose navigation tips are more intuitive, easier to understand, and more user-friendly.

  Route planning varies

  Get on the bus at 13:39 noon. First set the route, and after setting the destination, the two navigators give their own recommended routes:

  Baidu’s recommended route is: Beijing-Tibet Expressway – Beijing Sixth Ring Expressway – Shunsha Road, 39.5 kilometers, 40 minutes

  Autonavi’s recommended route is: Fourth Ring Road – Jingcheng Expressway – North Sixth Ring Road, expected to be 39.4 kilometers and take 44 minutes

  The navigation interface displays information that needs to be more user-friendly

  After everything was ready, we started our journey, and the two cars departed simultaneously at 13:41. At first, both cars were driving on the North Fourth Ring Road, but the two navigation interfaces were different.

  Baidu Maps uses dual-screen navigation, and the interface display is rich in information. There is always a translucent full-process thumbnail in the lower right corner to help car owners understand their location and future road conditions, and display information on key intersections and nodes. The navigation interface of Autonavi Maps also prompts the camera location and vehicle speed limit.

  Alternative routes prompt timely most critical

  When a vehicle using Baidu Maps is driving on the Beijing-Tibet Expressway, an intelligent multi-route prompt appears in the navigation, and the time difference between taking the alternative route can be seen on the interface. Thanks to the dual-screen navigation, drivers can intuitively see the road conditions of the current driving section and the alternative route on the translucent full map, and include real-time road conditions (whether it is congested or not). Autonavi maps adhere to the initial setting of the route.

  Enlarged view of the intersectionClear error avoidance

  Before the road change, both navigators showed a user-friendly enlarged view of the intersection. We took a screenshot of the real enlarged view of the two navigators at the complex intersection for comparison.

  Baidu Map popped up an enlarged view of the real scene 500 meters away from the exit of Beichen West Road. This exit is a double exit, and the arrow indication is very clear. The simulated enlarged map is very fine, and the road signs and corresponding indication information are clear at a glance. Autonavi Map also popped up an enlarged view of the real scene at a distance of 246 meters from Wanghe Bridge. Entering Wanghe Bridge is an uphill intersection, and there are many roads around, and the arrow indication is also very clear.

  In terms of intersection prompts, the prompt time of the two navigation models and the clarity of the real scene enlargement are all well-represented.

  Destination positioning accuracy

  Under the guidance of Baidu’s map, the Baidu team arrived at the destination at 14:22. Before arriving at the destination, a panorama of the destination of Beijing Yulin Tangquan Farm appeared on the navigation interface, showing the destination in real life, which was clearer and more intuitive. The total journey was 39 kilometers and a total of 41 minutes. It was basically the same as the estimated situation. The destination was accurate and the road conditions were smooth.

  There seems to be some deviation in the POI positioning of Autonavi map navigation. At 14:24, the vehicle arrived at the special dish Daguan Garden next to the destination Yulin Tangquan Farm in Beijing.


  We checked the description of the destination location in the two navigation models respectively, and found that the destination location on Baidu map was displayed as within the West District of Xiaotangshan National Agricultural Park, and the destination location on Autonavi map was displayed as Mafang, Xiaotangshan Town.

  After replanning the route, it was found that there was a 6.6-kilometer difference between the special dish Daguan Garden and Beijing Yulin Tangquan Farm.

  After repositioning, the Autonavi team departed from the special dish Daguan Garden and went to the destination Beijing Yulin Tangquan Farm. In the end, the Autonavi team arrived at the correct destination at 14:42, with a total journey of 45.2 kilometers and a total of 61 minutes. The Autonavi team arrived at the destination 20 minutes later than the Baidu team.


  1.POI positioning: Baidu map’s positioning of "Beijing Yulin Tangquan Farm" is accurate, and the navigation is successfully completed; Autonavi map has a small deviation in POI positioning. In the destination location, the specific location of "Beijing Yulin Tangquan Farm" is displayed as "Xiaotangshan Town Mafang", and the real location is "Xiaotangshan National Agricultural Park West Zone".

  2.Route planningThe route planned by Baidu Map did not encounter congestion and the road conditions were good; the route planned by Autonavi Map traveled slowly on the Fourth Ring Road, and adhered to the established route.

  3.navigation interfaceBaidu Maps uses dual-screen navigation, drivers can see the current driving section and remaining routes, and can also understand the real-time road conditions of multiple routes through the route color. At the same time, the top of the navigation page displays "Remaining kilometers, estimated arrival time, current time", which is very intuitive; the navigation interface of Autonavi Maps is clear, and drivers can also understand the current driving section and remaining routes through the main page and the progress bar on the right. However, if you want to know the full route and the specific location of the vehicle in the entire route during the navigation process, you need to touch the screen and manually click the "Full View" button on the page.

  4.destination hint: Before arriving at the destination, Baidu map displays the destination panorama in advance to help the driver determine whether the destination is correct. This function is more user-friendly; Autonavi map does not display the destination panorama, but recommends the parking lot around the destination in advance. What needs to be improved is: when the driver arrives at the destination, the parking lot For You feed surface disappears instead.

  The next afternoon, the team-building activity was over, and the editorial team went back. Due to the failure of an editor’s vehicle, everyone rode in the same car. We took this opportunity to decide to do another test of two bicycles: while driving, we opened the two navigation models of Autonavi map and Baidu map at the same time, to see which of the two navigation functions is more comprehensive and has a better experience in the same route. Considering the convenience of transportation, the return route is Beijing Yulin Tangquan Farm – Sanyuanqiao Phoenix Hui Shopping Center.

  Route planningWhich navigation is more accurate for predicting the number of journeys and time?

  traffic forecastWhich one is faster for real-time traffic updates and which one is better for avoiding congestion?

  Route recommendations in navigationCompare whether the two navigation software recommend a better route based on real-time road conditions during vehicle driving

  Enlarged view of the intersectionCompare the two navigation at the high-speed entrance and exit, the entrance and exit of the main road in the urban area, and other road sections. Which navigation intersection is more intuitive and easy to understand?

  The route plan is the same

  After getting on the bus, open the two navigation software respectively. Take a screenshot of the Autonavi map page at 14:56 pm, and take a screenshot of the Baidu map page at 14:58 pm. The route planning given by the two navigations is basically the same.

  The accuracy of vehicle positioning at the outset

  Usually, the driver starts the vehicle after opening the navigation software, and the positioning of the vehicle by this instant navigation determines the route planning at the beginning. We also compare to see if the two navigation software can accurately locate the front of the vehicle when the vehicle starts.

  At 15 o’clock, the vehicle started, and Autonavi prompted to turn around, but Baidu map did not prompt to turn around. We tried to go straight for a while and found that Autonavi map quickly corrected the navigation prompt and also reminded us to go straight. This shows that Autonavi map has blurred the direction of the front of the car when starting.

  The enlarged picture of the intersection shows the full real picture.

  When the vehicle needs to change lanes, both navigation models present an enlarged view of the intersection in advance. We took an enlarged view of the two navigation models appearing at a complex intersection for comparison.

  At 15:05, before entering Baishan Bridge, the Autonavi map had a real-life simulation enlarged image, but there was no enlarged image on Baidu map at this time.

  At 15:35, when we were about to arrive at the Jingcheng Expressway exit, Baidu Maps presented an enlarged map of the whole real scene 500 meters in advance. We noticed that the enlarged map of the intersection here is a full real scene, which greatly improves the recognition, which is a unique function of Baidu Maps.

  Solutions for sudden road conditions during driving

  During the journey of the vehicle, the original route ahead may experience congestion caused by sudden accidents and increase in traffic flow. At this time, the original route is no longer the best route, and the driver needs to re-plan the driving route. In the face of sudden road conditions, whether the two navigation software can plan new routes in time has important reference value for the driving time of morning and evening peak driving in cities.

  On the way back, at 15:24, Baidu Map predicted congestion ahead. To avoid congestion, the navigation suggested that the driver switch to a faster route, and the intelligent multi-route recommendation function ensured that the driver was always on the fastest road. Considering the time issue, we directly switched to the new route.

  The Autonavi map did not respond at this time, insisting that drivers take the original route of congestion.

  destination accuracy

  Before arriving at the destination, the destination panorama appeared again on Baidu map, which was conducive to the accuracy of the driver’s identification of the destination. Autonavi map showed the parking lot information in advance at 15:47, but the driver’s actual arrival time was 15:50, and the parking lot information was hidden when arriving at the destination.

  At 15:50, the Autonavi map ended the navigation on the outer road of the Fenghuanghui shopping center in advance, while Baidu map led the driver to the main entrance of the Fenghuanghui shopping center before ending the navigation. Judging from the navigation time of the two, the Autonavi map is expected to be 48 minutes, and the actual driving time is 48 minutes. Since we switched to the traffic avoidance route recommended by Baidu map halfway through, the driving time of Autonavi cannot be compared with the estimated time; Baidu map is expected to be 53 minutes, and the actual driving time is 49 minutes. The traffic avoidance route is recommended on the way to help the driver arrive at the destination 4 minutes earlier.

  1. Route planning: When the vehicle encounters congestion during driving, the Autonavi map adheres to the original planned route, and when approaching the destination, the Autonavi map has completed the navigation; Baidu map recommends a new congestion avoidance route after predicting congestion on the original planned route. It is expected to take 52 minutes, and the actual navigation takes 49 minutes. It arrives at the destination in advance, and the navigation ends after the driver arrives at the entrance of the Phoenix Mall.

  2. Avoiding congestion: Both predict congestion in advance, and mark congested sections by color, and can push new congestion avoidance routes based on congestion conditions. Only on the implementation of the new route, there is a certain difference in the reaction speed of the parties.

  3. Enlarged map of intersections: Autonavi maps and Baidu maps have real-life enlarged maps at most main roads and highway entrances and exits, but Baidu maps provide full-life enlarged maps of intersections in some places, making them clearer and easier to identify.

  4. Destination Tips: Autonavi maps recommend parking lots for drivers before arriving at the destination, and Baidu maps present a panorama of the destination before arriving at the destination.

  Although each has its own advantages and disadvantages, from the test results, Baidu Maps is better at destination positioning, avoiding congestion and route planning, especially in unfamiliar unfamiliar road sections, more like an old driver who is well versed in road conditions. Autonavi Maps also has stable and comprehensive comprehensive navigation services, and there is still some room for improvement in humanization. Here, it is also recommended that car owners run in a lot with navigation apps with different "personalities" when traveling by car to find the best partner for self-driving travel.


Geely Galaxy L6 officially announced on September 16: four models, pre-sale price 128,000 yuan – 158,000 yuan

On September 11, Geely Galaxy New Energy announced through the official Weibo this afternoon that the brand’s first sedan, Geely Galaxy L6, will be officially launched in Shanghai on September 16.

The car was unveiled at the Chengdu Auto Show and pre-sold simultaneously.The new car offers four models: 60km AIR, 60km PLUS, 125km MAX, and 125km Starship, with a pre-sale price range of 128,000 yuan – 158,000 yuanReferring to the current pricing strategies of most new cars, it is expected that the official price of the Galaxy L6 will be slightly lower than the pre-sale price.

In terms of appearance, the Galaxy L6 will provide 5 body color schemes, namely colorful white, mountain blue, night purple, morning white, dawn gray, the official said that these color schemes are inspired by twelve hours. In addition, the car length, width and height are 4782/1875/1489mm, and the wheelbase is 2752mm.

Picture 1

Picture 1

The new car is equipped with a "new generation of AI intelligent cockpit", which can realize the full scene "visible and talk" and support global OTA updates. In addition, it is equipped with 256-color firefly rhythmic ambient lights/"lark" light show/LED welcome light blanket.


Picture 1

In terms of power, the car is equipped with a new generation of Raytheon Electric Hybrid 8848 power system, matched with a 1.5T hybrid dedicated engine + 3-speed variable frequency electric drive DHT Pro, with a maximum of 125km pure electric battery life/1370km comprehensive battery life, and a 100-kilometer power loss fuel consumption of 4.55L.

IT Home attaches the configuration information of different models as follows:


The new BYD Qin PLUS official map will be released at the Guangzhou Auto Show.

A few days ago, the official map of Qin PLUS was released, and the new car was positioned as an A+ class compact car, which will be launched at the Guangzhou Auto Show, which will open on November 20th. Qin PLUS is built on the latest DM-i platform, and its appearance will follow the classic "Dragon Face" design language, and it will be the first to be equipped with Xiaoyun hybrid 1.5L engine.

Appearance: Qin PLUS still adopts the family-style design language of "DragonFace" for the front face, and on this basis, a new one is added, with a larger mesh, and the interior is similar to "Dragon Armor". In addition, the headlights are connected by wide decorative strips, and the Chinese character LOGO of "Qin" is printed on it, which is very design-oriented. The design of the slip-back body on the side of the car body adopts the undulating line decoration, and with a number of spoke aluminum alloy wheels, it creates a good sporty atmosphere. At the rear, the popular penetrating LED taillights are used, and the internal design of the main light sources on both sides is also complicated. A row of English letters are added above the taillights to enrich the layering of the rear.

Power: Qin PLUS is equipped with a hybrid system consisting of a 1.5L naturally aspirated engine and an electric motor. Officials say that the thermal efficiency of this 1.5L engine can reach 43%, and it also has technologies such as Atkinson cycle, high compression ratio of 15.5, EGR exhaust gas recirculation system and split cooling. Without electric drive, the fuel consumption of the engine is 3.8L/100km.


Acceleration for 7 seconds, 2 breakdowns/power loss, high-speed fuel consumption of 4.37L, depth test, BYD Qin PLUS DM-i

Yiche original After the release of -i pre-emptive test drive evaluation, many netizens raised various questions. On the eve of the launch of the new car, I will talk to you about our test results and summarize the core key points for your reference.

(The full text is about 3,500 words, the reading time is 12 minutes, and the reading difficulty is three stars.)

This time, we tested the version of -i with a battery life of 55km. Because it is an engineering trial car, we won’t give you a real shot analysis of the exterior and interior details. Please refer to the static experience video released earlier.

-i The length, width and height of the new car are 4765/1837/1495mm and the wheelbase is 2718mm respectively.

The -i top model will be equipped with a 12.8-inch adaptive rotating large screen, and equipped with DiLink intelligent interconnection system, including supporting most Android software applications and intelligent voice control functions, which is very smooth to operate and highly playable.

Regarding the performance of the new car configuration, I will use a video to explain it in detail. Please pay attention to my car number (car app search: Liang Shuming).

In terms of power, -i adopts the newly released DM-i super hybrid system, equipped with Xiaoyun-Plug-in special 1.5L high-efficiency engine and power blade battery. Its engine thermal efficiency is as high as 43.03%, and the fuel consumption per 100 kilometers of the new car is as low as 3.8L in the state of power loss.

Standard battery life and long battery life are available. The former has a pure battery life of 55km and the latter has a pure battery life of 120km.

The power of the corresponding driving motor will be different. The 55km version is equipped with EHS132, that is, the maximum power of the system is 132kW, the peak torque is 316N·m, and the official 100 km acceleration is 7.9 seconds; The 120km version is equipped with EHS145, that is, the maximum power of the system is 145kW, the peak torque is 325N·m, and the official 100km acceleration is 7.3 seconds.

Question 1: Can you always run without charging and only refuel? What is the fuel consumption level?

-i can run without charging. If you don’t have convenient charging conditions, you can use -i as a hybrid vehicle.

Under the condition of no charging, the engine can also drive the generator to charge the battery, and there is also the setting of energy recovery, and the battery power is always kept above 25% (the SOC setting value can be adjusted from 25% to 70%).

-i The working principle of driving in daily urban areas is mainly driven by motor, and the engine is assisted to generate electricity.

In order to give you a more rigorous understanding of the fuel consumption performance of the -i 55km version under different working conditions, we divide the fuel consumption test into two situations: urban working conditions (30km/h) and high-speed working conditions (speed limit 100-120km/h):

Fuel consumption test under urban working conditions in power deficit state;

When the -i 55km version we tested set off, the remaining power of the vehicle was 25%, and the SOC value was also set to 25%. At the same time, the degree of energy feedback was set to be large, and the driving mode was set to ECO mode. There were three adults in the car.The outdoor air temperature is 6-7℃, and the air conditioner in the car is set to 22℃ and the second grade air volume.

From the suburb of Pingshan, Shenzhen to Futian, the whole journey was 108.4km, the average speed was 36km/h, and the fuel consumption was 3.65L L. The comprehensive fuel consumption of Qin PLUS DM-i 55km version was 3.37L/100km.

Fuel consumption test under high-speed working condition in power loss state;

The same car, in the state of power loss, we filled up the oil in the suburbs of Shenzhen and set off directly on the expressway, driving at the highest speed limit (100-120km/h), and traveled a total of 156km. The actual test fuel consumption is 6.81L, and the comprehensive fuel consumption of -i 55km version is 4.37L/100km under high-speed working conditions.

Comparing this result with Guangzhou Automobile Twin Engine E+, which is also a PHEV, the fuel consumption of the latter is 5.45L/100km, and the fuel consumption performance of -i is quite excellent at both high speed and low speed.

In other words, even in the state of power loss (the lowest state of charge), the DM-i super hybrid model can achieve the fuel consumption level of hybrid models of the same level or even lower.

Question 2: What is the fuel consumption if it is in a state of daily charging?

Of course it will be lower. According to the information released by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, -i fuel consumption is 1.2L/100km, electric energy consumption is 11.7 kW h/100 km, electric energy equivalent fuel consumption is 1.3L/100km, and the lowest state-of-charge fuel consumption is 3.8L/100km.

Why can it be so low? In the last technical article on analyzing DM-i super hybrid, I have analyzed its structure and working principle. Everyone just needs to remember the characteristics of "electricity is the main factor and engine is the auxiliary factor". The engine has two purposes: directly driving the vehicle under high-speed working conditions and serving as the power source for the generator to generate electricity in daily driving. The DM-i super hybrid vehicle takes the driving motor as the power source most of the time, which reduces the running time and workload of the engine and effectively reduces the fuel consumption level.

Question 3: Do you still run fast when there is no electricity?

Through our actual measurement, the best performance of the -i 55km version at 0-100km/h is 7.2 seconds, while the official 0-100km/h acceleration performance is 7.9 seconds; Under the condition of power loss, we also measured that the best result of 0-100km/h acceleration of -i was 8.0 seconds. Therefore, even if the vehicle is in a state of power loss, it is not afraid of insufficient power, and its acceleration ability is similar to that of most medium-sized cars.

This is all due to the powerful EHS electric hybrid system, and the powerful motor guarantees the power demand. After a short acceleration sprint, the vehicle will enter a stable driving process. At this time, the power required to maintain the speed is only a few tens of kilowatts. The 1.5L engine carried by -i is sufficient, and the engine can also drive the generator to charge the battery at the same time.

Question 4: Will there be a sense of frustration when accelerating?

As can be seen from the graph of acceleration G value, at the initial stage of acceleration, -i bursts into the maximum acceleration in an instant, and then the acceleration process is relatively linear and smooth, unlike the previous plug-in hybrid models, there will be a sense of shifting frustration. Therefore, the driving quality of -i is more like an extended-range electric vehicle with smooth and silky power output characteristics.

Question 5: Is Qin PLUS DM-i quiet to drive?

When the speed is below 60km/h, -i is driven by a motor, so the compartment is very quiet. On the highway, the engine runs at an economical speed, and the engine noise is not obvious. The engine noise can only be felt when the vehicle accelerates rapidly.

At high speed, the engine directly drives the vehicle, so stepping on the accelerator deeply will further increase the engine speed, and the engine noise will also be transmitted into the compartment at this time. Of course, the noise performance of the engine in the state of lack of electricity is more obvious than that in the state of full electricity.

You can feel that the noise of -i is mainly tire noise and wind noise. -i used Jiatong’s Comfort F22 energy-saving tire, which performed well in terms of energy saving and durability, and the user’s use cost was low. One drawback is that this set of tires will make a lot of noise when running at high speed.

Generally, the human body is sensitive to the situation that the noise is greater than 65 decibels, so from the test results of the noise level inside the car, the sound insulation and noise reduction performance of -i is better than that of its own brand gasoline vehicles of the same level. Finally, there is still room for improvement in the roughness of engine noise during rapid acceleration. I suggest you go to the store to experience it before buying.

Question 6: How long does Qin PLUS DM-i need to be charged?

Only 220V AC slow charging is supported for the 55km vehicle with pure battery life. It takes 2 hours and 17 minutes (the initial power is 23%) to fully charge the pile at 7kW, which meets the official standard of 2.5 hours full charging. The 120km model with pure battery life supports both 220V AC slow charging and DC fast charging. The official said that the battery can be charged from 30% to 80% in 30 minutes.

Question 7: Will the battery break down and increase the cost of car use?

First of all, the power blade battery mounted on the -i can be guaranteed to charge more than 3,000 times, and the design life of the whole vehicle is 300,000 kilometers, which is equivalent to 10-15 years. At present, consumers who book cars can enjoy the first individual owner’s (non-operating) "Three Electricity" (motor, battery, electronic control) lifetime warranty, and the warranty policy of 6 years or 150,000 kilometers of vehicle warranty.

According to reports, in the process of developing new cars, the bench test exceeded 80,000 hours, and the bicycle was equivalent to 800,000 kilometers. The total test exceeded 8 million kilometers, all of which were tested in depth in the extreme climate of "high temperature, plateau and cold". In this way, consumers don’t need to worry about battery quality.

Question 8: How does the driving quality of Qin PLUS DM-i compare with that of the same price model?

In terms of chassis, -i adopts the front McPherson independent suspension and the rear torsion beam dependent suspension, which adjusts the eccentric sports style as a whole and has a clear road feeling. If you pass through some rough road sections, you can feel that the bumps are not completely filtered, and the overall comfort is slightly inferior to those of twin-engine and twin-engine models.

-i’s chassis has good support, especially when driving in sharp acceleration and on ramp corners. Suspension springs have done a good job in restraining the pitching and tilting of the car body, but if you want to do some intense driving, you don’t think it is suitable. After all, its positioning is still comfortable for family cars.

In the test, the acceleration of floor oil can easily lead to tire slipping, and the strong motor torque output always easily breaks through the tire grip. It is not recommended that consumers make too intense driving actions in daily driving, such as liking floor oil or slamming the direction.

Question 9: Are there any suggestions for improving the new car after the test drive?

There is still room for improvement in driving, such as steering too lightly in comfort mode. -i steering feels very light and easy to open, but the electric power steering is a little "overexert" and the movement mode is relatively normal. If the comfort mode is "tightened", it will be quite good.

In terms of riding experience, the leg support of the -i rear seat is insufficient. I am 1.8 meters tall and have the feeling of sitting on a small bench in the back seat. In order to solve this problem, the angle of the rear seat cushion can be raised appropriately, and the angle of the backrest can be increased appropriately, so that the passenger’s sitting posture is more inclined to a semi-lying state, and the feeling will be better.

Another point is that leather seats are not perforated, which leads to general ventilation and breathability. For users in southern China, it seems a little uncomfortable in hot summer. To solve this problem, we can provide fabric seats, or add perforation treatment to the seat surface, or add seat ventilation/heating configuration to the top model for consumers to choose from.

Question 10: Are consumers in cities with "restricted cards and restricted lines" worth buying?

I think it’s worthwhile to buy a plug-in hybrid car with a green brand from 107,800 yuan. You can experience the driving quality similar to that of an electric car, and you don’t have endurance anxiety. You can solve the problems of license plate and transportation in big cities at a price that is close to the people. In addition, the safety performance is guaranteed and the cost of car use is low. What are the reasons for not considering buying it?

On -i, it shows the possibility that plug-in hybrid vehicles have high cost performance. -i has stronger acceleration performance than gasoline vehicles of the same class, and lower fuel consumption performance than hybrid vehicles of joint venture brands. Moreover, it can get a green license and buy a car free of purchase tax, which has the unique advantages of new energy vehicles.

If you have more questions or ideas about the new -i car, please continue to pay attention to my car number: Liang Shuming, and leave a message in the comment area below.


2024 Beijing Auto Show | FAW-Volkswagen’s New Generation Magotan Prospective Detailed Explanation

With the approach of the opening of the 2024 auto show in April, many new cars that will make their debut at this auto show have begun to expose more information. As one of the key models of this year, the new generation will be officially released at the 2024 Beijing Auto Show. The new car was declared before listing in January this year. Recently, this new car has a set of latest prototype cars exposed without false spy photos. Through this set of spy photos, we can also get a glimpse of the whole new generation of Magotan. The following will bring a detailed forward-looking interpretation.

In terms of appearance, the new generation FAW-Volkswagen Magotan will still be built based on the new generation Volkswagen Passat B9 of European regulations. However, because the new generation Volkswagen Passat B9 only launched a travel version in the European market. Therefore, as a new generation of sedan, Magotan will be localized by FAW-Volkswagen in appearance design to meet the consumer demand in China market.

Judging from the previous application drawings and the latest exposure photos of the trial car, the new generation of Magotan adopts the exclusive design language of FAW-Volkswagen brand. The new car’s LED headlights are connected with the middle net, and the front face is visually cut through a belt that runs through the whole middle net and incorporates a luminous LOGO. This makes the visual focus of the front of the new generation of Magotan move down, which looks very sharp and atmospheric, thus highlighting the sense of sports and luxury. On the side of the car body, a straight waistline traverses from the front of the car to the rear of the car, creating an elegant sense of high class. In the rear part, the same penetrating LED taillight with luminous LOGO not only echoes the front design, but also enhances the recognition and fashion sense of the rear. Generally speaking, the appearance design of the new generation of Magotan is in line with the aesthetics of mid-level cars in China market in the new era. While retaining the traditional solemn and atmospheric style of Magotan, the new car keeps pace with the times to bring trendy and sporty design elements to reflect the sense of fashion.

In the interior part, judging from the photos of the new generation of Magotan prototype car, the new car adopts a similar intelligent cockpit design, and the center console will shift towards the driver’s seat, thus creating an environment-friendly cockpit atmosphere. At the same time, the new car is also equipped with a 10.25-inch full LCD instrument screen+a 15-inch floating central control screen+a passenger entertainment screen, thus becoming the first Volkswagen model equipped with three screens.

In other details, the new generation of Magotan will adopt electronic shift design and return to using physical buttons. In the central control area, the air conditioning control panel of the new car is still touch-controlled, and equipped with the wireless charging function of the front mobile phone. These designs and configurations are the same as those of the new Passat B9 of European regulations. In the car part, the new car will be built on the basis of the ID. OS 2.0 car intelligent system carried by ID.7Vizzion. It also supports mainstream functions such as AI intelligent voice, Apple Carplay, Baidu Carlife mobile phone interconnection function, car KTV, third-party APP ecology, car networking and OTA upgrade. In addition, the new car is equipped with interior atmosphere lights, digital keys and other configurations, and the AR-HUD head-up display system can be selected.

In terms of dimensions, the body circumference of the new generation Magotan, which is still based on audi ag MQB EVO platform, is 4990/1854/1487mm and the wheelbase is 2871mm. Compared with the previous generation, the wheelbase of the new generation Magotan remains unchanged, and the length, width and height of the car have all increased.

In the power part, the new generation of Magotan 330TSI models will be equipped with EA888 series 2.0T low-power engine; The 380TSI model continues to be equipped with the EA888 evo series 2.0T high-power engine, with a maximum power output of 162kW, matching the 7-speed DSG wet powershift. In addition, if the new car continues to launch the 280TSI model, it is expected to be equipped with the latest 1.5TSI evo engine.

Comments:Although new energy vehicles are gaining momentum in China auto market at present, fuel cars are still the absolute protagonists in the relatively traditional and conservative mid-size car market. According to the data, among the top ten models in China’s mid-size car market in 2023, GAC, SAIC Volkswagen, FAW-Volkswagen Magotan and GAC Honda Accord ranked in the top four, still occupying the dominant position in sales. Among them, the cumulative sales volume of FAW-Volkswagen Magotan in 2023 was 189,400 units, reaching the sales level of only 16,000 units per month, which is really good. In 2024, with the launch of a new generation of vehicles, the product strength of FAW-Volkswagen Magotan will be fully evolved from the outside to the inside, which will undoubtedly boost its sales in by going up one flight of stairs.


The State Council issued the Regulations on Promoting the Development of Individual Industrial and Commercial Households; The central bank and other three departments released heavy information on sto

[Looking at China]

The State Council: Encourage and guide venture capital institutions and social funds to support the development of individual industrial and commercial households.

On October 25th, the State Council issued the Regulations on Promoting the Development of Individual Industrial and Commercial Households. The regulations propose that the state encourages and guides venture capital institutions and social funds to support the development of individual industrial and commercial households; The state implements fiscal and taxation policies that are conducive to the development of individual industrial and commercial households; The state promotes the establishment and improvement of the credit evaluation system for individual industrial and commercial households, encourages financial institutions to develop and provide financial products and services suitable for the development characteristics of individual industrial and commercial households, expands the scale and coverage of loans for individual industrial and commercial households, and improves the accuracy and convenience of loans.

The central bank, China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission and the foreign exchange bureau held a meeting to release heavy information on stocks, debts, foreign exchange and housing.

At the meeting, the central bank and the foreign exchange bureau proposed to strengthen departmental cooperation and maintain the healthy development of the stock market, bond market and property market; The China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission meeting emphasized that under the background of the innovative development and steady transformation of the real economy, the good foundation for the long-term investment value and stable operation of the capital market will not change.

CSRC: Expand high-level institutional opening and broaden financing channels for overseas listing.

China Securities Regulatory Commission said that the capital market should adhere to the purpose of financial services to the real economy, comprehensively deepen reform, improve the multi-level market system, improve the functions of the capital market, and increase the proportion of direct financing. Expand high-level institutional opening, broaden overseas listing financing channels, and strengthen pragmatic cooperation with the Hong Kong market. We should persist in combining the general laws of the capital market with the reality of the China market and the excellent traditional Chinese culture, and accelerate the construction of a modern capital market with China characteristics.

The National Development and Reform Commission and other six departments issued documents to support the upgrading of foreign capital in China.

Six departments, including the National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Commerce, recently jointly issued the "Several Policies and Measures on Promoting the Expansion of Foreign Capital with Emphasis on Manufacturing Industry", further increasing the attraction of foreign capital in manufacturing industry, focusing on solving the outstanding problems faced by foreign-invested enterprises, comprehensively strengthening the promotion and service of foreign investment, and promoting the high-quality development of utilizing foreign capital. Support qualified foreign-invested enterprises to raise funds by listing on the main board, science and technology innovation board, Growth Enterprise Market and Beijing Stock Exchange, listing on the basic layer and innovation layer of the New Third Board, and issuing corporate credit bonds.

The Ministry of Finance and other three departments: include e-cigarettes in the scope of consumption tax collection.

On October 25th, the Ministry of Finance, the General Administration of Customs and the State Administration of Taxation issued an announcement on the collection of consumption tax on e-cigarettes. E-cigarettes are included in the scope of consumption tax collection, and e-cigarettes subheadings are added under the heading of tobacco tax. E-cigarettes shall be taxed at an ad valorem rate. The tax rate for the production (import) link is 36%, and the tax rate for the wholesale link is 11%.

Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs: Expand the current investment in agricultural and rural infrastructure construction.

According to the official website news of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, on October 25th, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs issued the "Work Plan on Expanding Current Investment in Agricultural and Rural Infrastructure Construction", which mentioned that from now until the end of the year, we should focus on the shortcomings of agricultural and rural infrastructure, and focus on the construction of water conservancy facilities such as large and medium-sized irrigation areas, small farmland water conservancy facilities, modern facility agriculture and cold chain logistics facilities for agricultural products storage and preservation, so as to ensure that construction can be started as soon as possible.

The first national standard in the field of industrial internet network in China was issued.

Recently, the National Standardization Administration Committee issued the No.13 Announcement of People’s Republic of China (PRC) National Standards in 2022, and approved the publication of the national standard GB/T 42021-2022 "Overall Network Architecture of Industrial Internet", which is the first national standard issued in the field of industrial Internet network in China, marking a solid step in the construction of China’s industrial Internet system. (official website, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology)

The rocket assembly in the Mengtian experimental cabin of the space station will be transported to the launch area and will be launched in the near future.

According to the China Manned Space Engineering Office, on October 25, 2022, Beijing time, the combination of Mengtian experimental module and Long March 5 B remote four carrier rocket has been transported to the launch area. In the follow-up, various functional inspections and joint tests will be carried out as planned, and the launch is planned to be carried out in the near future. (CCTV News)

Guidelines for Venture Capital in Hainan Free Trade Port (2022 Edition) was issued.

Recently, the Development and Reform Commission of Hainan Province issued the "Guidelines for Venture Capital in Hainan Free Trade Port (2022 Edition)" to clarify the relevant regulations and preferential policies for the management of venture capital enterprises in Hainan. It is required that the registered capital of the registered enterprise shall not be less than 30 million yuan, the number of investors shall not exceed 200, and at least three senior managers with more than 2 years of venture capital or related business experience shall bear the investment management responsibility. (Hainan released WeChat WeChat official account)

Nanjing plans to cancel the household registration restrictions for online car drivers.

The official website of Nanjing Transportation recently issued an announcement to solicit opinions on the revised draft of Nanjing’s Measures for the Administration of Online Booking of Taxi, and it is proposed to amend Article 9 of the Measures, namely, the conditions that drivers engaged in online car rental services in this city should meet, and delete the provision of "having a local household registration or obtaining a local residence permit" in the first item of this article. At present, the collection of opinions and suggestions has been closed. (The Paper)

Guangzhou: The epidemic situation in Haizhu District is in a critical stage, and the situation of epidemic prevention and control in the city is severe and complicated.

On October 25th, the reporter learned from the press conference on epidemic prevention and control in Guangzhou that the current epidemic situation in Haizhu District is in a critical stage, and many cases of social positive cases have been found in Tianhe, Yuexiu and other districts, and the situation of epidemic prevention and control in the city is severe and complicated. From October 24th, schools and kindergartens in Haizhu District suspended offline teaching. The person leaving the ear must hold a 48-hour negative nucleic acid certificate. (CCTV News)

[Looking overseas]

The three major US stock indexes closed higher across the board, with the Nasdaq up 2.25%.

US stocks closed higher on Tuesday, with the Dow up 337.12 points, or 1.07%, to 31,836.74 points. The S&P 500 index rose 61.79 points, or 1.63%, to 3,859.13 points. The Nasdaq rose 246.50 points, or 2.25%, to 11,199.12 points.

Rich Sunak accepted the appointment of the King of England and officially became the Prime Minister of Britain.

On October 25th, local time, Rich Sunak, who was just elected as the leader of the British Conservative Party, accepted the official appointment of King Charles III of England at Buckingham Palace and became the new British Prime Minister. The 42-year-old Rich Sunak is the third prime minister in Britain in the last seven weeks and the first Asian prime minister in British history. According to the BBC, Sunak is also the youngest prime minister in Britain since 1812. (CCTV News)

The EU plans to provide Ukraine with 18 billion euros in aid in 2023.

On October 25th, local time, Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission, said at an international expert meeting on Ukraine’s reconstruction held in Berlin, Germany that the EU plans to provide Ukraine with a total of 18 billion euros in aid in 2023, equivalent to 1.5 billion euros per month, to support the operation of the Ukrainian government, pay the salaries of Ukrainian public officials and maintain and rebuild important infrastructure. (CCTV News)

EU member states reach agreement on joint procurement of natural gas.

On October 25th, local time, the meeting of energy ministers of EU member states was held in Luxembourg. After the meeting, siemsen, the EU Commissioner in charge of energy affairs, said that the EU member states supported the joint procurement of natural gas at this meeting, believing that this would make the EU in a favorable position in the international natural gas market, and the total amount of joint procurement would reach 13.5 billion cubic meters. The final plan will be decided by the meeting of the European Council next month. (CCTV News)

The investigation of the "Beixi" pipeline leakage accident is still in progress, and Sweden, Denmark and Germany have all sent investigation vessels.

According to a report by Swedish TV local time on October 25th, after the explosion of the "Beixi" natural gas pipeline in the Baltic Sea, intensive investigation work is still in progress. Sweden, Denmark and Germany all sent some investigation boats to the Baltic Sea between Bornholm Island and karlskrona. The staff took photos, inspected and studied the bottom of the pipeline to investigate the cause of the accident. (CCTV News)

Cyclone storm caused power failure in 8 million households in Bangladesh.

On the 25th, local time, cyclone Sitron, which landed near Balisar, Bangladesh, caused serious damage to Bangladesh. Hamid, the country’s minister of electricity, energy and mineral resources, said on the same day that the storm had caused about 8 million households in the country to lose power. (CCTV News)

[large company]

Kweichow Moutai responded to the query that the proportion of institutional shares dropped sharply: the situation is not true.

In response to the question of the sharp drop in institutional shareholding ratio, Kweichow Moutai responded that the changes in institutional shareholders’ shareholding were untrue. The total shareholding ratio of the top ten shareholders of the company disclosed in the Third Quarter Report of 2022 was 71.54%, and there were a large number of institutional shareholders after the top ten shareholders. In the fourth quarter of 2022, the company will continue to focus on the strategic objectives and annual work arrangements, go all out to deepen reform, explore and innovate, promote high-quality development, strive to achieve development goals, and create more value for shareholders. (Interface News)

Musk said that he plans to complete the acquisition of Twitter on Friday.

According to Bloomberg news, Musk told several bond underwriting banks that he planned to complete the acquisition of Twitter on Friday.

The last payment is reduced by 8000 yuan! Ask the world to follow Tesla’s price reduction.

It was learned from the AITO Wenjie automobile sales store that Huawei cooperated with Celestial that the M5 and M7 models of Wenjie brand have started price reduction promotion, and the final payment can be directly reduced by 8,000 yuan. (The Paper)

Meizu acquired by Geely wants to build a car across the border? Response: Reserve and recruit talents in the automotive field.

Recently, Meizu posted a number of auto-related job postings on the recruitment website, which is considered to be a signal of Meizu’s cross-border car building. On October 25, Meizu related people said that the company is indeed reserving and recruiting talents in automobile-related fields. (The Paper)

[Nuggets Circle]

Northbound funds bought a net of 2.845 billion yuan, and Longji Green Energy and Mindray Medical were added.

On October 25, northbound funds bought a net of 2.845 billion yuan all day; Among them, Shanghai Stock Connect bought 2.256 billion yuan and Shenzhen Stock Connect bought 589 million yuan. Among the top ten trading stocks, the top three net purchases are Longji Green Energy, Mindray Medical and LU ZHOU LAO JIAO CO.,LTD; The top three net sales are Kweichow Moutai, Ping An Bank and Wanhua Chemical.

The institution sold these 18 shares and bought 354 million yuan of Junshi Bio.

On October 25, in the Dragon and Tiger List, a total of 39 stocks appeared as institutions, 21 stocks were net bought by institutions and 18 stocks were net sold by institutions. On that day, the top three stocks bought by institutions were Junshi Bio, Haitian Seiko and Today International. On that day, the top three stocks sold by institutions were Company No.9, Guomai Technology and Huitian New Materials.

"A wealth selection"

Cross-border financing macro-prudential adjustment parameters are raised, what signal is released?

Experts believe that the increase from 1 to 1.25 means that domestic enterprises and financial institutions can borrow more foreign debts. Since the beginning of this year, the RMB exchange rate has shown two-way fluctuations. This move can ease the pressure of RMB depreciation in the spot exchange market, and more importantly, further release the signal of stable exchange rate, which will help stabilize market confidence and avoid excessive accumulation of RMB depreciation expectations in the short term.

From bike-sharing to the consumption of "red envelopes", the application scenarios of digital RMB continue to expand.

Not only on the personal side, but also on the corporate business side, digital RMB has also achieved breakthroughs in various business scenarios. Recently, Suzhou, Chengdu, Fujian and other places have applied digital RMB to the scenes of enterprise receipt and provident fund deposit, helping the digital economy to accelerate its development. Experts said that the pilot application of digital RMB has entered a relatively mature stage, and the next thing to think about is the formulation of digital RMB issuance system and the operation mode of operating institutions.

[Today’s notice]

10: 00-tuyere survey, mass production vs bankruptcy industry squeezing bubble! How does lidar pass through the dawn?


What brands of domestic new energy vehicles are there? Haval is worth seeing.

  With the continuous development of domestic new energy vehicles, more and more consumers will put their choices on some domestic new energy vehicles when buying a car, especially in big cities such as Beijing, Guangzhou, Shanghai and Shenzhen. As the pressure of license plate becomes greater, a new energy vehicle becomes very important. At present, domestic new energy brands emerge one after another in the automobile market. So which brands of domestic new energy vehicles are worth buying? Take a look at the Harvard brand. As a sub-brand focusing on SUV under Great Wall, Haval has always been the first choice for many consumers with the price close to the people and better products. Just in May of this year, Haval’s new hybrid model of Haval Xiaolong and Haval Xiaolong MAX was an important turning point for Haval to transform into a new energy vehicle brand. Let’s take a look at the specific configuration of these two models today.

  Haval Xiaolong

  In terms of power system, Haval Xiaolong is equipped with a DHT-PHEV plug-in hybrid system (1.5L engine+front single motor+battery pack +2-speed DHT gearbox and other components). The comprehensive power of the system is 185 kW, and the pure electric cruising range under NEDC condition provides 52 km and 110 km, and the comprehensive cruising range under NEDC condition exceeds 1,000 km. There are three models to choose from, and the price is 13.98-15.68 million yuan. Haval Xiaolong MAX comes standard with Hi4 new intelligent four-wheel drive electric hybrid technology newly developed by Great Wall (1.5L naturally aspirated engine +2-speed hybrid special gearbox +Hi4 front and rear drive modules and other components). The comprehensive power of the system is 205 kW, the pure battery life of NEDC is 105 km, and the comprehensive cruising range of NEDC is over 1,000 km. It also has three configuration models to choose from, and the price is 159.8-179.8 million yuan.

  Haval Xiaolong MAX

  In the exterior and interior design, the front face of Haval Xiaolong adopts a semi-closed design, and the headlight group integrates L-shaped LED daytime running lights and far and near light sources. The center console area is equipped with a central control screen design consisting of a three-position steering wheel, a 7-inch LCD instrument and a 12.3-inch central control screen. In addition, Haval Xiaolong also used a chest block, and the touch air conditioning button was integrated in the lower edge of the central control. The body size of the whole vehicle is 4600*1877*1675mm, the wheelbase is 2710mm, and it is a compact SUV. Haval Xiaolong MAX
The front face adopts laser mesh grille and "Hawkeye" headlight group, and its design is inspired by the famous Xiaolong fighter. The center console area is equipped with three 12.3-inch through-suspended large screens: instrument screen, central control screen and co-pilot screen, and equipped with intelligent hardware such as W-HUD head-up display. The body size of the whole vehicle is: 4758*1895*1725mm, with a wheelbase of 2800mm. It is a medium-sized SUV. Haval Xiaolong MAX’s leapfrog body size brings an ideal interior space. Its rear row can be completely laid down, and the rear row becomes a "big bed room" every second, and the whole car has as many as 32 storage spaces.

  Haval Xiaolong MAX

  Haval must not miss the brands of domestic new energy vehicles. As a professional SUV brand, Haval insists on innovation, leads the market and brings consumers the perfect SUV in every era. As a sincere work of Haval’s transformation to new energy, Haval Xiaolong series perfectly interprets the new benchmark of new energy SUV value.


Disclaimer: The advertiser and the author are responsible for the authenticity of this article, which has nothing to do with this website. )


It doesn’t matter whether Hua Xizi is a "domestic product" or a "foreign brand".

The discussion of Hua Xizi should not be limited to the anchor.

The continuous fermentation of the Li Jiaqi incident not only caused the sales of Huaxizi to drop, but also put the brand itself in the spotlight. A topic of "Huaxi’s foundry is a Japanese-funded enterprise" has also recently boarded a hot search in Weibo.

Confirmed by Investor. com, a considerable part of Huaxi’s suppliers (foundries) are indeed foreign-funded backgrounds. Nevertheless, it still can’t change Hua Xizi’s status as a "domestic product", and it’s hard to hide the fact that the employees of foreign-funded foundries are all from China.

The rise of live broadcast with goods is a game of making money, so Li Jiaqi, Viya and other head anchors can actually gain control over the sales channels. For consumer goods, channels are too important. But consumers care more about whether domestic products can stand up than what Li Jiaqi said.

What percentage of foreign capital is "concentration"

From the perspective of ownership structure, Hua Xizi’s status as a "domestic product" is beyond doubt. Enterprise investigation shows that its sole shareholder is Zhejiang Yige Beauty Cosmetics Group Co., Ltd., and Zhang Dayong, executive director and general manager of the company, and Wu Chenglong, supervisor, are also from China.

The "Japanese-funded foundry" of Hua Xizi questioned by netizens is indeed true. Not only that, but after combing the product information of the top 10 and top-ranked products in the flagship store of Huaxizi Tmall, Investor.com found that more than half of the producers of these products are foreign investors.

The foundries of Shouwu Eyebrow Pencil, Air Honey Powder, Silk Honey Powder and Flower Dew Cleansing Wet Wipes are: Shanghai Chuangyuan, Shanghai Zhenxin, Shanghai Ourun and Hangzhou Huaningxiang. The manufacturers of these products are all domestic-funded enterprises, and Hangzhou Huaningxiang, the manufacturer of makeup remover wipes, may be Huaxi’s own production capacity.

In the foreign investment part, we should first look at Hua Xizi’s makeup set, whose sales volume itself is low, but because of the topicality at the beginning of listing and the design sense of the product itself, Hua Xizi put it at the top of the list. According to the product information on Tmall, its manufacturer is Suzhou Annokos Cosmetics R&D Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Annokos").

The largest shareholder of Anokos is Axilong Shunhua Aluminum Plastic Industry Co., Ltd., holding about 87.5%, while the latter’s major shareholder is a subsidiary of Spain Axilong Metal Co., Ltd., holding about 60%. In addition, two Korean shareholders hold about 12.5% of the shares. Generally speaking, foreign capital accounts for more than 50% of the shares in Annokos.

It doesn't matter whether Hua Xizi is a "domestic product" or a "foreign brand".

It doesn't matter whether Hua Xizi is a "domestic product" or a "foreign brand".

The Japanese manufacturer Dongse Daily Chemical mentioned in the hot search produces a four-elephant balanced skin-sticking liquid foundation. The manufacturer is wholly owned by Japan Dongse Cosmetics Co., Ltd.; Koma Cosmetics, the manufacturer of Yurong Yunsha sunscreen makeup cream, is a wholly-owned Korean enterprise; Lixin Biotechnology Cosmetics, the manufacturer of Yurong Ningzhi Makeup Powder, is a Hong Kong-funded enterprise.

In addition, Kesimeishi, a manufacturer of products such as Jade Girl Peach Blossom Light Honey Powder, was established in 1992 and has a long-standing reputation in the beauty OEM industry. It is also a Korean enterprise. It is worth mentioning that this foundry also established Shanghai Yige Ningxiang Biotechnology R&D Co., Ltd. together with Hangzhou Huaningxiang Biotechnology Co., Ltd. behind Huaxizi.

It doesn't matter whether Hua Xizi is a "domestic product" or a "foreign brand".

Moreover, Cosme also invested in Perfect Diary Cosmetics (Guangzhou) Co., Ltd. and Yixian Biotechnology (Guangzhou) Co., Ltd., both holding 51% of the shares, which is also deeply related to Perfect Diary.

The above 11 products involve 9 manufacturers, among which 5 are foreign-funded manufacturers. Huaxizi itself is a domestic product, but the proportion of foreign investment in its cooperative foundries is indeed not small.

Channel dependence needs to be broken

For consumer goods, sales channels are always a problem that enterprises need to pay attention to.

In particular, the light-asset beauty brands such as Huaxizi, Tangduo and Perfect Diary, apart from focusing on enhancing brand value through marketing means, lack of online sales channels has always been the fate of these brands.

After Li Jiaqi’s "accident", Hua Xizi’s problem was obviously magnified. Hua Xizi was established in 2017, and the cooperation with Li Jiaqi began in 2019. Since then, Hua Xizi’s fame and sales have been closely linked with this man.

In April 2019, Hua Xizi launched a "micro-carved star dome carved lipstick". After the promotion of this product in Li Jiaqi the following month, the sales increased to 5.948 million yuan, up 165% from the previous month. Although this lipstick bears the label of "flashy" and "reluctant to use", its sales volume has increased rapidly. By November of that year, its sales volume increased to 23.952 million yuan.

Li Jiaqi also became Hua Xizi’s "chief recommender" in September of this year. In 2020, the cooperation between the two companies will become more intensive. The Huaxi sub-brand entered the live broadcast room in Li Jiaqi 71 times, with an average of 5 times a month, and the number of cooperation in May of that year was as high as 10 times. In 2019, the sales of Huaxizi was about 1.5 billion yuan, which exceeded 3 billion yuan in 2020 and 5.4 billion yuan in 2021.

According to the data of Foresight Economist, in 2020, more than 30% of Huaxi’s traffic will come from Li Jiaqi’s live broadcast room and Tik Tok, and Li Jiaqi’s contribution to Huaxi’s GMV will even exceed 60% in such critical periods as various shopping festivals. In February, 2020, 80% of Huaxi’s sales came from online, and 40% of them came from the live broadcast room in Li Jiaqi.

According to the data from October 10th to November 9th, 2019, the average daily live broadcast of Hua Xizi in Taobao is about 200, but only the live broadcast in Li Jiaqi can bring the peak of sales.

It doesn't matter whether Hua Xizi is a "domestic product" or a "foreign brand".

The "Matthew effect" in the anchor group with goods in the head is a cliche, and this ending has its inevitability. After the MCN organization ran out several head anchors in the early days by casting a wide net, these heads themselves have become a "famous brand" with strong endorsement ability. With a huge number of fans, they can get the source of the head brand and talk about the lowest discount on the whole network.

Few consumers can resist the "triple whammy" of head anchor endorsement+well-known brand products+the lowest price of the whole network, and the solid guarantee of sales volume also makes the brand side more inclined to choose the head anchor. This kind of channel monopoly, which is difficult to define and exists objectively, is formed, so that it is difficult for the platform to break this monopoly by transporting traffic to KOL and even KOC.

What Hua Xizi has to face today is that Li Jiaqi made a mistake and the public relations department resigned, while his own offline channel is still in its infancy. On December 19, 2022, Hua Xizi opened the first offline store near the West Lake in Hangzhou, but there is still no exact news about the subsequent store opening plan.

As of January, 2023, there were about 20 offline stores in China. By the end of 2022, there were 158 stores of Perfect Diary.

Are all fellow travelers

To some extent, Perfect Diary, Huaxizi and Tangduo are all fellow travelers. They were born at the end of the blowout era of the Internet industry, but they got on this express train after all. Xiaohongshu, Tik Tok, Taobao live broadcast, these are the explosion points of new e-commerce. On these platforms, new brands have the opportunity to stand on the same starting line as old brands.

The fastest runner is Perfect Diary, and its parent company Yixian E-commerce successfully landed in the US stock market.

In January 2019, Perfect Diary opened its first offline store in Guangzhou. After listing, Yixian E-commerce also indicated that it will use 30% of the raised funds to support business growth and expansion, including increasing the number of offline stores. In terms of its own production capacity, in August 2023, the first factory of Yixian E-commerce was officially put into operation. The partner of the project was Kosmet, with Yixian E-commerce holding 49% and Kosmet holding 51%.

It is worth mentioning that Kosmet also has similar cooperation with Hua Xizi.

In terms of R&D, in recent years, the R&D investment of Yixian E-commerce has been maintained at a high level, and 30% of the listed funds have been used to seek potential M&A targets. Yixian E-commerce has also intensively acquired a number of high-end skin care brands before and after listing. After receiving the delisting warning from NYSE in April, 2021, the company also said that the beauty industry as a whole will shift from channel bonus-driven to product and brand-driven stage, which will increase investment in skin care and makeup products.

During the channel bonus period, domestic brands only need to pull up a team, build a brand and contact a group of foundries, so it is easy to make high sales with the help of channel bonus, and even get a high valuation in the primary market. However, after all, the foundry is an "industry bus", and the beauty products themselves lack a moat. Under the light asset game, competitors will emerge at any time.

Yixian e-commerce has almost stepped out of the growth path of an online beauty brand with light assets, which can be summarized as: starting online, opening offline stores, building self-built production capacity and making skin care products.

Judging from the current known information, Yixian e-commerce is taking the fourth step, and Tangduo has just begun to take the second step. From the point of view of opening a store under the Huaxi Sub-line and cooperating with Cosmis, it may be taking the second and third steps at the same time.

Skin care products have higher technical content and naturally have more profit space. Looking at the big brands on the market at present, they may also have a considerable number of products from foundries, but in terms of skin care, they all have their own "housekeeping formula".

No matter what consumers think of an inflated anchor, one thing is certain: they all hope that domestic brands can really stand up.


Hangzhou drag racing case: the victim’s father applied for protest to talk about the "body double" incident.

> > > Enter the social channel

> > > enter the rule of law channel

News review:The Xihu District Court of Hangzhou responded to body double’s rumor: Hu Bin’s identity is undoubtedly confirmed.

  Zhongxin. com, Hangzhou, July 28th (Reporter Shuang Yuan, Chai Yanfei) The sensational "5.7" traffic accident case in Hangzhou had the first trial result, but the result did not end the incident. Parents of both sides first expressed unfairness to the court’s decision, and many netizens even expressed doubts about whether Hu Bin was body double at the trial. On 24th, Tan Zhuo’s father, Tan Yue, sent a protest application and a complaint to the procuratorate and the court. The Xihu District Procuratorate said today that it has accepted the appl ication for protest, but it still needs to be studied whether it will protest.

  At about 8 pm on May 7th this year, Hu Bin, who was only 20 years old, raced with his friends in the busy streets of Hangzhou, killing Tan Zhuo, a 25-year-old Zhejiang University graduate who was crossing the zebra crossing to go home after watching a movie. Subsequently, the local police in Hangzhou determined that Hu Bin was driving at "70 yards per hour", which caused public outcry. For a time, students from major media, forums and Zhejiang University paid great attention to this traffic accident, which also had a wide impact throughout the country.

  On July 15th, the Xihu District People’s Court held a public hearing on the case. More than 60 people from all walks of life, including relatives of the victim Tan Zhuo, former colleagues, relatives of the defendant Hu Bin, deputies to the National People’s Congress and CPPCC members, attended the trial. On the 20th, the court made a public judgment in the first instance and sentenced the defendant Hu Bin to three years’ imprisonment for traffic accident. In addition, after the incident, Hu Bin’s relatives have compensated and voluntarily compensated the victims’ relatives for economic losses totaling RMB 1,130 100 yuan.

  Although Hu Bin’s parents thought the verdict was unfair, they said they would not appeal for the time being. Tan Zhuo’s father, Tan Yue, sent an application for protest to Xihu District Procuratorate, Hangzhou Procuratorate, Zhejiang Procuratorate and the Supreme People’s Procuratorate on the afternoon of the 24th. Letters of complaint were sent to Xihu District Court, Hangzhou Intermediate People’s Court, Zhejiang High Court and the Supreme People’s Court; In addition, fact sheets were sent to the Hangzhou Municipal People’s Congress, the Zhejiang Provincial People’s Congress and the National People’s Congress. Tan Yue said that he "expects the superior judicial department to have a legal and fair characterization of Hu Bin’s crimes".

  "Because the procuratorate has not replied whether I will protest, it is not convenient to open the application for protest now." Tan Yue told reporters that the protest application mainly includes two points. One is the issue of the characterization of the charges in the first-instance judgment. Tan Yue said that he never agreed with the charge of "traffic accident " and still insists that Hu Bin committed the crime of "endangering public safety by dangerous means". Second, the issue of Hu Bin’s "body double". Regarding the rumor-dispelling notice issued by the West Lake Court a few days ago, Tan Yue thought that it was "unconvincing and meaningless, even a fake body double would answer the question in this way". He hoped that the higher judicial organs would take this matter seriously and adopt an open, fair and transparent method to identify the true and false Hu Bin in accordance with the law, so as to dispel everyone’s doubts.

  Tan Yue told reporters that the procuratorate has received his protest application today, and it is still under review, but whether to protest needs to be reviewed before making a decision. "If the application for protest fails, I will exercise my second right and apply to a higher court for legal supervision procedures."

  According to Article 182 of China’s Criminal Procedure Law, if the victim and his legal representative refuse to accept the judgment of first instance of the local people’s courts at all levels, they have the right to request the people’s procuratorate to lodge a protest within five days after receiving the judgment. The people’s procuratorate shall, within five days after receiving the request of the victim and his legal representative, make a decision on whether to protest and answer the request. (End)

The incident occurred at 8 pm on May 7.
  Hu Bin raced with friends in a Mitsubishi sports car in Hangzhou, killing Tan Zhuo who was crossing the zebra crossing. [detailed]

"Deceive the real horse" on May 8.
  The Hangzhou police said that the speed was 70 yards, which was inconsistent with the eyewitness’s statement and caused many questions. Netizens invented a new online word "cheat real horses" (70 yards). [detailed]

Criminal detention on May 8
  Hu Bin is suspected.trafficThe crime of causing trouble was detained, but its "trafficThe crime of causing trouble was questioned. [detailed]


Appraisal report on May 14th.
  According to the report, the speed of the accident vehicle ranged from 84 yards to 101 yards, and it was modified or partially modified. [detailed]

Arrest on may 17
  "5.7" submitted by Hangzhou People’s Procuratorate to Hangzhou Public Security Bureau for arrest.trafficHu Bin, the suspect in the accident case, approved the arrest according to law. [detailed]

Compensation on May 20
  The victim’s family and the perpetrator have reached an agreement, and the victim’s parents have received compensation of 1.13 million yuan. [detailed]


First trial on July 20
  Hangzhou Xihu District People’s Court on "5.7"trafficThe accident case was publicly pronounced in the first instance totrafficThe defendant Hu Bin was sentenced to 3 years’ imprisonment for the crime of causing trouble. [detailed]

Hot spots in today’s society

·The father of Tan Zhuo, the victim of the drag racing case, submitted an application for protest.

·The suspect wounded the police and snatched the gun, which contained several bullets.

·The incident of the black kiln worker in Anhui Province continued: Several suspects were arrested.

·The suspect wounded the police and snatched the gun, which contained several bullets.

·Owners of 10 buildings in Jiangsu said they felt cracks in the shaking wall of the building.

·Tourists can shoot nude models when they apply for permits: human photography is suspended in scenic spots.

·Thousands of neighbors of women receive intimate photos of their extramarital affairs. picture

·Neighbors like to move around the house naked, and the old man is ashamed to open the windowpicture

Today’s entertainment hotspots

·Degang Guo denies lending 400,000 yuan to Hou Yaowen and will not appear in court. |special subject

·Xiaoxue, a fast female judge in Hong Huang, called it "the second time is still called mu"

·Lin Bai wants to visit Yi Zhongtian again: I have to insist on throwing chairs on the spot.

·Hundreds of thousands of "babies" in Liang Luoshi Baby Care Group are hard to serve.

·Yico Zeng worshiped Confucius for promotion and promised to compose music for him.

  Related links:

  • Injuring people by racing, filing a case for endangering public safety 2009-07-25
  • Cao Lin: It is extremely dangerous to expose the "racing supervision" without verification. 2009-07-24
  • Review of the Racing Case in Hangzhou on July 21, 2009
  • Why Hu Bin was sentenced to three years: the presiding judge of Hangzhou drag racing case explained the trial results in detail 2009-07-20.

Editor: Teng Xue


A-share opening express | Shanghai Composite Index opened 0.05% higher. Agricultural stocks strengthened. Cinda Securities: April style will be biased towards market value.

The Shanghai Composite Index opened 0.05% higher, the Shenzhen Component Index opened 0.05% lower and the Growth Enterprise Market Index opened 0.24% higher. The indices of agriculture, NMN and human brain engineering were among the top gainers, while the indices of smart speakers, CPO and car EDR were among the top losers.

The market focus stock Tianma (8 days and 4 boards) opened 4.72% lower, the cultural media sector Aofei Entertainment (5 days and 3 boards) opened 2.31% lower, Shanghai Film (6 days and 3 boards) opened 0.43% lower, the solar thermal power concept stock maiden voyage Hi-Tech (2 boards) opened 4.86% higher, Xizi Jieneng (2 boards) opened 3.68% higher, and the SAM model concept stock Tangyuan Electric.

1. The standard-bearer of the bull market will welcome you again! How big is the impact of CSI Finance sending a 30 billion yuan gift package?

In order to further reduce the cost of securities companies’ refinancing business, improve the efficiency of industry capital use and the level of refined and differentiated management of margin, on April 10th, CSI Finance lowered the margin ratio of securities companies.

Combined with many years of practical experience in refinancing business, according to the risk management ability, continuous compliance and business development of securities companies, CSI Finance adjusted the margin ratio of refinancing from second grade to third grade, among which, the margin ratio of companies with high credit quality was reduced from 20% to 5%; Companies with good credit standing will be reduced from 20% to 10%; The remaining companies were reduced from 25% to 15%.

At the same time, in order to further reduce the cost of market-making securities lending business and promote the development of market-making business, the margin ratio of science and technology innovation board market-making securities lending by CSI Finance has been lowered simultaneously, from 10% to 5% for companies with high credit standing and from 15% to 10% for companies with good credit standing.

Comments: Caitong Securities said that the policy-friendly period of the securities industry has just begun, and the profit reversal period of brokers has just begun. Reiterating the recommendation logic of the brokerage sector, in 2023, brokers will have a high probability of a bottom reversal. The agency suggested paying attention to orient securities, Industrial Securities, Guojin Securities, Oriental Fortune and other stocks.

2. Has the AI concept plummeted to the top? The organization had a quarrel.

On Monday, ChatGPT concept stocks suffered a fierce sell-off, which dealt a heavy blow to investors’ enthusiasm for doing more. By the close of April 10th, the ChatGPT index had fallen by more than 6%, the biggest drop in a single day.

Although the plunge in the sector dampened the confidence of the fund-raisers, according to the data of the after-hours list, institutions took the opportunity to buy. The data of the after-hours list showed that popular concept stocks such as Iflytek, Tuowei Information, Kunlun Wanwei and Jingjiawei were all bought by institutions. Yesterday’s market focus stock, 360, was also fiercely played by institutions. One institution appeared in the stock buying list, and two institutions appeared in the stock selling list, with a total net sales of 120 million yuan.

Comments:Before the ChatGPT concept stocks plummeted yesterday, CITIC Securities rarely released a research report on Friday to avoid the risk of AI theme speculation. Zhang Yidong of Industrial Securities also said that AI, the first main line of A shares this year, is very popular, and I am optimistic, but at the current high level, I suggest not to chase after it! If you haven’t bought it yet, investors who want to buy the digital economy and AI can wait until June.

3. Who is speculating in new shares? Dongcai’s business department "eats" 1.2 billion yuan a day, but the institutions are all selling.

After the market closed on April 10th, the Dragon and Tiger List was released, and the funds behind the first batch of 10 main board registered new shares rose across the board on the first day of listing also surfaced. Specifically, the institutional funds were "sold" uniformly, and eight new shares were sold by institutional seats, but none of the seats bought were on the list.

On the list of 10 new shares, Oriental Wealth has become the biggest "bright spot". The top five sales departments of five new shares, including Shaanxi Energy, CITIC Metal, Jiangyan Group, Zhongjing Technology and Baicheng, were all taken over by Oriental fortune securities Sales Department, while the remaining five new shares also had Oriental Wealth Sales Department, with a total net purchase amount of 1.22 billion yuan.

4, BYD zoom in! The first new energy intelligent body control system, Yunxiao, can run smoothly without a round of cars.

As announced by the former official, on Monday, April 10th, BYD officially released the world’s first exclusive intelligent body control system for new energy, named Yunqi.

The intelligent body control system of Yunqi was developed by BYD, which indicates that BYD has become a China automobile enterprise that can master the intelligent body control system independently, and has achieved deep system-level integration, filled the domestic technical gap, achieved a breakthrough from 0 to 1, and even surpassed the foreign technical level, achieving an upgrade from 1 to 2.

Wang Chuanfu said that Yunqi is the first body system to systematically solve the body control problem in the vertical direction. The system can sense the status of people, vehicles and roads in real time, and can keep the vehicle comfortable under complex road conditions.

In terms of safety, thanks to the application of cloud technology, the overall safety of vehicles will be further improved. In the most extreme case, even if one wheel is lost, the vehicle can still keep running smoothly. Wang Chuanfu revealed.

5. "The era of negative sales growth and zero income growth"? Liquor is scared to collapse! Is the first first quarter operating data beyond judgment? Institutions see it this way.

On the evening of April 10th, Shanxi Fenjiu announced that since 2023, the company has continuously deepened the market layout, actively built a comprehensive product matrix of Fenjiu, and strengthened the management of market order, and the market sales showed a good trend of steady growth. According to the company’s preliminary accounting, from January to March, 2023, the company is expected to achieve a total operating income of about 12.636 billion yuan, an increase of about 20% year-on-year; It is estimated that the net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies will be about 4.452 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of about 20%.

Comments:Double-digit performance growth is undoubtedly a "cardiotonic agent" when liquor stocks continue to slump. Previously, Wang Chaocheng, the chairman of Shengchu Consulting, who was well-known in the wine industry, believed that the wine industry as a whole would enter the "involution era" of negative sales growth, low income growth or zero growth and low profit growth for a long time, and it is likely to have just begun.

Zhang Yuguang, an analyst of open source securities, said that the industry has a clear understanding of the current weak recovery of the industry and has enough patience for the consumption power and consumption scenarios that have not fully recovered. At present, dealers mainly wait and see, but the industry is generally relatively optimistic about the second half of the year and still has confidence in the recovery trend.

6. Global giants actively increase their positions in China’s "stock king" Maotai, which is still the heart of many foreign giants.

A few days ago, the funds of global giants such as Schroeder, Fidelity International, JPMorgan Chase and Aberdeen Investment disclosed their latest positions. The data shows that global giants actively increase their positions in China. For example, Schroeder’s flagship fund has greatly increased its position in Meituan. Another flagship fund increased its position in Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited. Maotai, the "stock king", is still the heart of many foreign giants. Morgan Allianz and other funds have increased their positions in Kweichow Moutai in the near future.

7. Six questions from Shanghai Stock Exchange about oriental materials! Huawei objected, the stock price fell, and the company urgently reminded of the risks.

Oriental Materials intends to acquire the target company TD TECH at a fixed fundraising price of 2.122 billion yuan.
The 51% equity continues to ferment. After being opposed by Huawei in the middle of the night on April 9, the share price of Oriental Materials fell by a word on April 10.

On the evening of April 10th, Dongfang Materials issued a risk warning announcement on the acquisition of the equity of the underlying assets. As of the announcement date, the company has not yet obtained TD.
The commitment document of Huawei, the minority shareholder of TECH, on giving up the right of first refusal. This transaction has the risk that Huawei, the minority shareholder, advocates the right of first refusal, which leads to the failure to implement the transaction.

It is worth noting that after the announcement of risk warning, Oriental Materials announced that it had received the work letter from the Shanghai Stock Exchange. The Shanghai Stock Exchange questioned this matter from six aspects: the rationality of cross-border acquisition, the business of the target company, the financial situation and transaction pricing of the target company, the payment related to the transaction, the terms of preemptive right, and the fluctuation of the previous stock price.

8. The prosperity of container transportation declined. The performance of Neptune, which earned 300 million yuan a day last year, dropped by 75% in the first quarter.

In the past year, the profitability of COSCO Sea Control reached a historical high. However, since the second half of 2022, due to geopolitical conflicts, high inflation and other factors, the demand in the container transportation market where the company is located is weak, and the freight rate has dropped significantly. The decline in the prosperity of container transportation has been reflected in the financial reports of industry leaders.

On the evening of April 10th, COSCO Haikong released its first-quarter performance forecast. In the first quarter of this year, the company estimated that the net profit attributable to its mother was about 6.933 billion yuan, a decrease of about 74.91% compared with the same period of last year.

Comments:For the follow-up trend of the container transportation market, according to the analysis of COSCO Marine Control, looking forward to 2023, the external environment will become more complicated and severe. The tense geopolitical situation, high inflation and the tight monetary policy adopted by European and American countries will continue to pose challenges to global economic development and commodity trade. The container shipping industry is facing long-term problems such as slowing demand growth, evolving trade pattern, accelerating decarbonization process, etc., and also facing the realistic test of intensified industry competition and increased capacity supply.

9. China Payment and Clearing Association proposes that employees in the payment industry use tools such as ChatGPT cautiously.

10. CCTV News: In recent years, the scale of China’s computing power industry has grown rapidly, with an annual growth rate of nearly 30%, ranking second in the world in terms of computing power scale.

11. Car Association: In March, the domestic retail sales of new energy passenger cars reached 543,000, a year-on-year increase of 21.9%.

1. Continue to off the charts! Chicken seedling leader’s income increased five times in March. A list of A-share chicken industry chain

After the close of trading on April 10th, the chick/chicken sector ushered in a positive boost, continuing the fiery heat in February. The sales data of A-share chick stocks continued in off the charts in March, with a year-on-year growth rate of over 4-5 times.

Yisheng’s sales revenue of white feather broiler seedlings in March was 346 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 431%;

In March, Minhe Co., Ltd. earned 135 million yuan from selling commercial substitute chickens, a year-on-year change of 575.72%.

It is understood that China’s white feather chicken industry chain mainly involves Jimiao Yisheng and Minhe shares according to the upstream and downstream relationship; Chicken Shengnong Development, Xiantan Shares, Hefeng Shares; Food processing, Chun Xue food, etc.

2, multi-factor stimulation, the volume of May Day travel orders has increased greatly! Has the golden window on the left side of the plate arrived?

According to the Shanghai Stock Exchange, the latest travel booking data from Meituan and public comments show that this year’s booking peak has arrived in advance compared with previous years. As of April 10, domestic travel orders for the May 1 holiday increased by about 200% compared with the same period in 2019, the highest in five years. Among them, the cumulative booking volume of accommodation has been the same as that on April 25, 2019, which means that the pace of accommodation booking on May 1 this year is about two weeks earlier than that in 2019.

Dongguan Securities Research Report pointed out that the tourism industry gradually recovered in the first quarter, optimistic about the performance elasticity brought by the recovery of domestic travel. May 1, the summer tourism season is approaching, the supply of superimposed tourism resources is restored, and the cost of air tickets and fuel is greatly reduced, which is expected to accelerate the recovery of tourism travel. At present, the tourism travel sector has regained its valuation advantage. This year, the recovery of tourism travel is determined, and the overall recovery is expected to be low before and then high, entering the golden window of the left layout.

3. Digital Infrastructure | Shanghai: Strengthen the basic support of urban digital transformation, and promote the construction and layout of infrastructure such as network, computing power, perception and application as a whole.

4, intelligent driving | BYD released the "Yunqi" intelligent body control system, Wang Chuanfu: You can still drive smoothly if you lose a wheel.

5. Hydrogen Energy | The West-to-East Hydrogen Transmission Pipeline is included in the national plan, and large-scale long-distance hydrogen transmission is expected.

6. Photovoltaic equipment |N-type TOPCon cells are sought after by the industry, and there is huge demand for photovoltaic equipment.

7. Ophthalmology | The General Office of the Ministry of Education issued a document to promote the prevention and control plan for juvenile myopia.

8. Energy storage | Science and Technology Daily: It takes only 18 seconds to charge, and a new type of water-based zinc ion battery cathode material comes out.

Cinda Securities believes that the stock market style in April will be biased towards the market value; Huatai Securities said that it is concerned about the May Day peak season and optimistic about the continued upward trend of the aviation boom.

1. Cinda Securities: In April, the stock market style will be biased towards the market value.

Cinda Securities believes that from the historical experience, due to seasonal factors such as the expected cooling of the economy, the stock market style in April is likely to be biased towards the market value. However, after the TMT plate rose rapidly since the beginning of the year, the transaction congestion increased significantly. Unless this local transaction congestion is supported by continuous performance cash or a large amount of incremental capital inflows, the fluctuation risk will increase.

2. Huatai Securities: Pay attention to the May Day peak season and be optimistic about the aviation boom.

Huatai Securities Research Report said that it entered the data inspection stage in March. Although domestic fares were firm, there was uncertainty about the international recovery degree in the new aviation season, and the aviation sector performed weakly. With the recent warming of the weather and the superposition of the May Day holiday, public business activities and tourism trips are expected to increase, and the number of passengers may continue to increase and continue into the summer vacation; At the same time, the international line worked overtime steadily during the aviation season to jointly catalyze the share price of the aviation sector. In the medium and long term, we are firmly optimistic about the improvement of aviation supply and demand structure, the liberalization of superimposed full fare control, and the profitability of airlines is expected to make a breakthrough. In March, the airport company’s share price was divided due to the difference in recovery rhythm. However, in the peak season of civil aviation, the airport traffic may usher in a further recovery, which will drive the share price to rise. In the medium and long term, we are still optimistic about the hub airport, the trend of traffic collection remains unchanged, and the profit has more potential.

On the positive side, we are concerned that Zhongtian Technology’s net profit increased by more than 16 times last year. In terms of negative announcement, pay attention to the fact that the net profit of COSCO Haikong Q1 has dropped by over 70%.

Positive announcement

1. Zhongtian Technology: The net profit in 2022 was 3.21 billion yuan, up by 1,663.98% year-on-year.

2. Pulitzer: The net profit in 2022 was 202 million yuan, up 750.99% year-on-year.

3. Computer numerical control: the net profit in 2022 was 3.024 billion yuan, up 76.68% year-on-year.

4. Longji Green Energy: The net profit in 2022 was 14.78 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 62.66%.

5. Deye shares: It is estimated that the net profit in the first quarter will be 550-620 million yuan, up by 316.27%-369.24% year-on-year.

Negative announcement

1. Dongfang Materials warned about the acquisition of 51% equity of TD Tech (the stock fell on Monday).

2. Yuanjie Technology: The launched optical chip products cannot meet the requirements of 400G and 800G optical modules.

3. COSCO Haikong: It is estimated that the net profit for the first quarter will be 6.933 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of about 74.91%.

4. Research Institute: The net profit in 2022 was 103 million yuan, down 25.64% year-on-year.

5. Baichu Electronics: The net profit in 2022 was 480 million yuan, down 12.8% year-on-year.

6. Shapu Aisi: Shanghai Jingxing intends to reduce its shareholding by no more than 2%.

This article is reproduced from "Tencent Stock Selection", edited by Zhitong Finance: Xu Wenqiang.