The State Council issued the Regulations on Promoting the Development of Individual Industrial and Commercial Households; The central bank and other three departments released heavy information on sto


The State Council issued the Regulations on Promoting the Development of Individual Industrial and Commercial Households; The central bank and other three departments released heavy information on sto

[Looking at China]

The State Council: Encourage and guide venture capital institutions and social funds to support the development of individual industrial and commercial households.

On October 25th, the State Council issued the Regulations on Promoting the Development of Individual Industrial and Commercial Households. The regulations propose that the state encourages and guides venture capital institutions and social funds to support the development of individual industrial and commercial households; The state implements fiscal and taxation policies that are conducive to the development of individual industrial and commercial households; The state promotes the establishment and improvement of the credit evaluation system for individual industrial and commercial households, encourages financial institutions to develop and provide financial products and services suitable for the development characteristics of individual industrial and commercial households, expands the scale and coverage of loans for individual industrial and commercial households, and improves the accuracy and convenience of loans.

The central bank, China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission and the foreign exchange bureau held a meeting to release heavy information on stocks, debts, foreign exchange and housing.

At the meeting, the central bank and the foreign exchange bureau proposed to strengthen departmental cooperation and maintain the healthy development of the stock market, bond market and property market; The China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission meeting emphasized that under the background of the innovative development and steady transformation of the real economy, the good foundation for the long-term investment value and stable operation of the capital market will not change.

CSRC: Expand high-level institutional opening and broaden financing channels for overseas listing.

China Securities Regulatory Commission said that the capital market should adhere to the purpose of financial services to the real economy, comprehensively deepen reform, improve the multi-level market system, improve the functions of the capital market, and increase the proportion of direct financing. Expand high-level institutional opening, broaden overseas listing financing channels, and strengthen pragmatic cooperation with the Hong Kong market. We should persist in combining the general laws of the capital market with the reality of the China market and the excellent traditional Chinese culture, and accelerate the construction of a modern capital market with China characteristics.

The National Development and Reform Commission and other six departments issued documents to support the upgrading of foreign capital in China.

Six departments, including the National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Commerce, recently jointly issued the "Several Policies and Measures on Promoting the Expansion of Foreign Capital with Emphasis on Manufacturing Industry", further increasing the attraction of foreign capital in manufacturing industry, focusing on solving the outstanding problems faced by foreign-invested enterprises, comprehensively strengthening the promotion and service of foreign investment, and promoting the high-quality development of utilizing foreign capital. Support qualified foreign-invested enterprises to raise funds by listing on the main board, science and technology innovation board, Growth Enterprise Market and Beijing Stock Exchange, listing on the basic layer and innovation layer of the New Third Board, and issuing corporate credit bonds.

The Ministry of Finance and other three departments: include e-cigarettes in the scope of consumption tax collection.

On October 25th, the Ministry of Finance, the General Administration of Customs and the State Administration of Taxation issued an announcement on the collection of consumption tax on e-cigarettes. E-cigarettes are included in the scope of consumption tax collection, and e-cigarettes subheadings are added under the heading of tobacco tax. E-cigarettes shall be taxed at an ad valorem rate. The tax rate for the production (import) link is 36%, and the tax rate for the wholesale link is 11%.

Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs: Expand the current investment in agricultural and rural infrastructure construction.

According to the official website news of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, on October 25th, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs issued the "Work Plan on Expanding Current Investment in Agricultural and Rural Infrastructure Construction", which mentioned that from now until the end of the year, we should focus on the shortcomings of agricultural and rural infrastructure, and focus on the construction of water conservancy facilities such as large and medium-sized irrigation areas, small farmland water conservancy facilities, modern facility agriculture and cold chain logistics facilities for agricultural products storage and preservation, so as to ensure that construction can be started as soon as possible.

The first national standard in the field of industrial internet network in China was issued.

Recently, the National Standardization Administration Committee issued the No.13 Announcement of People’s Republic of China (PRC) National Standards in 2022, and approved the publication of the national standard GB/T 42021-2022 "Overall Network Architecture of Industrial Internet", which is the first national standard issued in the field of industrial Internet network in China, marking a solid step in the construction of China’s industrial Internet system. (official website, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology)

The rocket assembly in the Mengtian experimental cabin of the space station will be transported to the launch area and will be launched in the near future.

According to the China Manned Space Engineering Office, on October 25, 2022, Beijing time, the combination of Mengtian experimental module and Long March 5 B remote four carrier rocket has been transported to the launch area. In the follow-up, various functional inspections and joint tests will be carried out as planned, and the launch is planned to be carried out in the near future. (CCTV News)

Guidelines for Venture Capital in Hainan Free Trade Port (2022 Edition) was issued.

Recently, the Development and Reform Commission of Hainan Province issued the "Guidelines for Venture Capital in Hainan Free Trade Port (2022 Edition)" to clarify the relevant regulations and preferential policies for the management of venture capital enterprises in Hainan. It is required that the registered capital of the registered enterprise shall not be less than 30 million yuan, the number of investors shall not exceed 200, and at least three senior managers with more than 2 years of venture capital or related business experience shall bear the investment management responsibility. (Hainan released WeChat WeChat official account)

Nanjing plans to cancel the household registration restrictions for online car drivers.

The official website of Nanjing Transportation recently issued an announcement to solicit opinions on the revised draft of Nanjing’s Measures for the Administration of Online Booking of Taxi, and it is proposed to amend Article 9 of the Measures, namely, the conditions that drivers engaged in online car rental services in this city should meet, and delete the provision of "having a local household registration or obtaining a local residence permit" in the first item of this article. At present, the collection of opinions and suggestions has been closed. (The Paper)

Guangzhou: The epidemic situation in Haizhu District is in a critical stage, and the situation of epidemic prevention and control in the city is severe and complicated.

On October 25th, the reporter learned from the press conference on epidemic prevention and control in Guangzhou that the current epidemic situation in Haizhu District is in a critical stage, and many cases of social positive cases have been found in Tianhe, Yuexiu and other districts, and the situation of epidemic prevention and control in the city is severe and complicated. From October 24th, schools and kindergartens in Haizhu District suspended offline teaching. The person leaving the ear must hold a 48-hour negative nucleic acid certificate. (CCTV News)

[Looking overseas]

The three major US stock indexes closed higher across the board, with the Nasdaq up 2.25%.

US stocks closed higher on Tuesday, with the Dow up 337.12 points, or 1.07%, to 31,836.74 points. The S&P 500 index rose 61.79 points, or 1.63%, to 3,859.13 points. The Nasdaq rose 246.50 points, or 2.25%, to 11,199.12 points.

Rich Sunak accepted the appointment of the King of England and officially became the Prime Minister of Britain.

On October 25th, local time, Rich Sunak, who was just elected as the leader of the British Conservative Party, accepted the official appointment of King Charles III of England at Buckingham Palace and became the new British Prime Minister. The 42-year-old Rich Sunak is the third prime minister in Britain in the last seven weeks and the first Asian prime minister in British history. According to the BBC, Sunak is also the youngest prime minister in Britain since 1812. (CCTV News)

The EU plans to provide Ukraine with 18 billion euros in aid in 2023.

On October 25th, local time, Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission, said at an international expert meeting on Ukraine’s reconstruction held in Berlin, Germany that the EU plans to provide Ukraine with a total of 18 billion euros in aid in 2023, equivalent to 1.5 billion euros per month, to support the operation of the Ukrainian government, pay the salaries of Ukrainian public officials and maintain and rebuild important infrastructure. (CCTV News)

EU member states reach agreement on joint procurement of natural gas.

On October 25th, local time, the meeting of energy ministers of EU member states was held in Luxembourg. After the meeting, siemsen, the EU Commissioner in charge of energy affairs, said that the EU member states supported the joint procurement of natural gas at this meeting, believing that this would make the EU in a favorable position in the international natural gas market, and the total amount of joint procurement would reach 13.5 billion cubic meters. The final plan will be decided by the meeting of the European Council next month. (CCTV News)

The investigation of the "Beixi" pipeline leakage accident is still in progress, and Sweden, Denmark and Germany have all sent investigation vessels.

According to a report by Swedish TV local time on October 25th, after the explosion of the "Beixi" natural gas pipeline in the Baltic Sea, intensive investigation work is still in progress. Sweden, Denmark and Germany all sent some investigation boats to the Baltic Sea between Bornholm Island and karlskrona. The staff took photos, inspected and studied the bottom of the pipeline to investigate the cause of the accident. (CCTV News)

Cyclone storm caused power failure in 8 million households in Bangladesh.

On the 25th, local time, cyclone Sitron, which landed near Balisar, Bangladesh, caused serious damage to Bangladesh. Hamid, the country’s minister of electricity, energy and mineral resources, said on the same day that the storm had caused about 8 million households in the country to lose power. (CCTV News)

[large company]

Kweichow Moutai responded to the query that the proportion of institutional shares dropped sharply: the situation is not true.

In response to the question of the sharp drop in institutional shareholding ratio, Kweichow Moutai responded that the changes in institutional shareholders’ shareholding were untrue. The total shareholding ratio of the top ten shareholders of the company disclosed in the Third Quarter Report of 2022 was 71.54%, and there were a large number of institutional shareholders after the top ten shareholders. In the fourth quarter of 2022, the company will continue to focus on the strategic objectives and annual work arrangements, go all out to deepen reform, explore and innovate, promote high-quality development, strive to achieve development goals, and create more value for shareholders. (Interface News)

Musk said that he plans to complete the acquisition of Twitter on Friday.

According to Bloomberg news, Musk told several bond underwriting banks that he planned to complete the acquisition of Twitter on Friday.

The last payment is reduced by 8000 yuan! Ask the world to follow Tesla’s price reduction.

It was learned from the AITO Wenjie automobile sales store that Huawei cooperated with Celestial that the M5 and M7 models of Wenjie brand have started price reduction promotion, and the final payment can be directly reduced by 8,000 yuan. (The Paper)

Meizu acquired by Geely wants to build a car across the border? Response: Reserve and recruit talents in the automotive field.

Recently, Meizu posted a number of auto-related job postings on the recruitment website, which is considered to be a signal of Meizu’s cross-border car building. On October 25, Meizu related people said that the company is indeed reserving and recruiting talents in automobile-related fields. (The Paper)

[Nuggets Circle]

Northbound funds bought a net of 2.845 billion yuan, and Longji Green Energy and Mindray Medical were added.

On October 25, northbound funds bought a net of 2.845 billion yuan all day; Among them, Shanghai Stock Connect bought 2.256 billion yuan and Shenzhen Stock Connect bought 589 million yuan. Among the top ten trading stocks, the top three net purchases are Longji Green Energy, Mindray Medical and LU ZHOU LAO JIAO CO.,LTD; The top three net sales are Kweichow Moutai, Ping An Bank and Wanhua Chemical.

The institution sold these 18 shares and bought 354 million yuan of Junshi Bio.

On October 25, in the Dragon and Tiger List, a total of 39 stocks appeared as institutions, 21 stocks were net bought by institutions and 18 stocks were net sold by institutions. On that day, the top three stocks bought by institutions were Junshi Bio, Haitian Seiko and Today International. On that day, the top three stocks sold by institutions were Company No.9, Guomai Technology and Huitian New Materials.

"A wealth selection"

Cross-border financing macro-prudential adjustment parameters are raised, what signal is released?

Experts believe that the increase from 1 to 1.25 means that domestic enterprises and financial institutions can borrow more foreign debts. Since the beginning of this year, the RMB exchange rate has shown two-way fluctuations. This move can ease the pressure of RMB depreciation in the spot exchange market, and more importantly, further release the signal of stable exchange rate, which will help stabilize market confidence and avoid excessive accumulation of RMB depreciation expectations in the short term.

From bike-sharing to the consumption of "red envelopes", the application scenarios of digital RMB continue to expand.

Not only on the personal side, but also on the corporate business side, digital RMB has also achieved breakthroughs in various business scenarios. Recently, Suzhou, Chengdu, Fujian and other places have applied digital RMB to the scenes of enterprise receipt and provident fund deposit, helping the digital economy to accelerate its development. Experts said that the pilot application of digital RMB has entered a relatively mature stage, and the next thing to think about is the formulation of digital RMB issuance system and the operation mode of operating institutions.

[Today’s notice]

10: 00-tuyere survey, mass production vs bankruptcy industry squeezing bubble! How does lidar pass through the dawn?


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