The new energy market has fallen for three consecutive days. Is there any chance for BYD’s brand-new Qin?


The new energy market has fallen for three consecutive days. Is there any chance for BYD’s brand-new Qin?

Affected by the subsidy withdrawal policy on June 25, the domestic new energy market ushered in a three-day losing streak throughout the third quarter, not only the decline gradually expanded, but also the market share continued to shrink.

The industry is "weaned" and the market encounters bottlenecks

Among them, two leading enterprises in the new energy industry have been hit hard. The data shows that the sales volume in July was 16,567 units, down 11.8% year-on-year; In August, the sales volume was 16,719 vehicles, down 23.4% year-on-year; In September, the sales volume was 13,681 vehicles, down 51% year-on-year; The sales volume in October was 12,042 vehicles.

At the beginning of this year, it was planned to sell 300,000 vehicles and 650,000 vehicles in the next year. In the first 10 months, the vehicle sales volume was 205,000, up 19.9% year-on-year, and the fuel vehicle sales volume was 172,000, down 25% year-on-year.

In the sales composition, it has become the lifeline. As of September, the total sales volume of new energy vehicles exceeded 700,000. It is worth noting that among its many models, only the performance of the Song family is remarkable, and other models have not achieved sales of over 10,000. It seems that although there are many models, they are not strong.

On the other hand, the fuel vehicle business in the third quarter showed a trend of rapid growth from the previous quarter. Under the background of the cold winter in the automobile market, the sales of fuel vehicles went against the market, which was tantamount to a cup of herbal tea for clearing away heat and relieving summer heat.

This also confirms that fuel vehicles will still be in the mainstream of consumption for a long time to come. With the "weaning" of the new energy industry, enterprises can’t leave fuel vehicles if they want to survive, have considerable sales and have cash flow support.

Of course, the new energy market still has potential growth points. At present, the new energy market is undergoing a new round of structural reshuffle-the pure electric market is basically out of the abnormal small miniaturization, and cars of mainstream and above sizes will become the new dominant market. In particular, the compact car market with the highest market share, accounting for 31.7%, is undoubtedly a "battleground for military strategists."

For me, how to avoid paying attention to one thing and lose sight of another, find the balance point of interests in enterprise development, and let each sector be in a benign development track, which is a great test of the wisdom of the top management of enterprises.

Based on this, a few days ago, the brand-new Qin fuel and the brand-new Qin fuel were officially listed, from which we got a glimpse of the market insight and judgment on the direction and opportunity.

The price butcher returned, and the new Qin fuel was sold for 59,900.

As the "pioneering work" of the dynasty series, Qin has been listed for 7 years and accumulated more than 200,000 car owners and users. In 2018, in order to successfully break through the price ceiling and reshape the brand image, the old Qin gradually faded out of people’s sight, leaving a lot of market space. The brand-new Qin is obviously the best option to solve the problem. With the arrival of this car, the Qin family has formed a more perfect product combination boxing and refreshed the competition pattern in the compact family car market.

"A new generation of smart car" Qin Fuel has launched four models, with the official guide price of 649 ~ 81900 yuan. Before January 25, 2020, the first batch of car owners can enjoy the welfare car purchase price of 5990 ~ 76900 yuan.

The starting price is less than 60,000 yuan, and the brand-new Qin fuel can be said to be sincere. The starting price of competing products of the same level, such as, etc., is generally around 70,000, and the automatic gear is 80,000. The brand-new Qin fuel version is equipped with 1.5L+CVT power, 80kW, 148 Nm, all of which meet the requirements of 100,000 kilometers in six or four years.

The new Qin fuel is built on the all-engine and all-power platform under BNA architecture. The new platform gives the car better driving and control performance, and it is further upgraded in terms of architecture, core technology and power technology.

Dragon Face design language has finally been applied to the brand-new Qin, with international appearance, tough and fashionable lines, and matrix headlights and daytime running lights look very spirited. In terms of dimensions, the measurements of the brand-new Qin Dynasty are 4675/1770/1480mm (the height of the pure electric version is 1500mm) and 2670mm, which are in the upper-middle level of the same class, and there is no pressure at home.

The interior of the new car also adopts the latest family style. The 10.1-inch rotatable central control screen is not absent, and the built-in DiLink2.0 intelligent network connection system is compatible with more than 3 million mainstream applications in the APP market. The new car also supports the OTA remote intelligent upgrade function of the whole vehicle, which makes it possible to improve the performance of vehicle software and hardware.

In terms of configuration, Bosch P 9.3 electronic vehicle stability system, TPMS intelligent monitoring system, etc. are all available. Through this "no cost" investment, the new Qin has the "technical level of not losing 100,000 joint venture models".

421km true battery life, lowest power consumption at the same level.

The brand-new price range is 129,900-139,900 yuan (after subsidy), which will open up the compact car market together with the fuel version. In comparison, EV models have always been strong products, and the new highlight is "upgrade".

Brand-new born in the world’s leading professional platform-e platform, which realizes the efficient integration of motor, electronic control and energy transmission, reduces the whole, optimizes the energy transmission path, reduces the power consumption, and creates a new standard for pure electric family cars.

Thanks to the empowerment of e-platform, the energy consumption per 100 kilometers is as low as 12.9kWh under new working conditions, which is the lowest energy consumption at the same level. The official said that the electricity fee per 100 kilometers is only about 6 yuan, which is very economical. In addition, the new car NEDC has a comprehensive working life of 421km, which meets the needs of long-distance travel, and can travel 100km after charging for 15 minutes, solving the real pain points of new energy users.

15 years of battery safety zero accidents, "true" safety is worthy of the name. A new seven-dimensional four-layer battery safety matrix is built, which fully guarantees the battery safety from the aspects of reliable connection, high-voltage protection, collision and overcharge, and with the lifetime warranty of power battery cells, there is no worries about using the car.

In addition to the battery life upgrade and safety upgrade, the brand-new car has the leading configuration such as the longest 4675mm at the same level, quiet space at NVH library level, and "texture upgrade" for interior and exterior decoration, which brings users a car experience beyond the same level, making it the first choice for value in the pure market.

Write it at the endThe domestic downturn continues, and independent brands are facing the risk of elimination. Zhao Changjiang, general manager of Sales Co., Ltd. believes that products, technology and services are the foundation of the company. From the brand-new Qin, we can see the continuous efforts in technological innovation, leapfrog product strength and customer service. With all kinds of strength reserves, I believe that it will be the most competitive player in the stage of transformation and upgrading of the automobile market.

Wen | Huluwa


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