The Secret of the Selection Procedure of Benxi Youth League Cadres: No one wants to accompany the Prince to study.


The Secret of the Selection Procedure of Benxi Youth League Cadres: No one wants to accompany the Prince to study.

    Originally, no one wanted to "study with the prince", and some young cadres were forced to sign up.

    Three of the four cadres of the Communist Youth League Committee to be promoted in Benxi, Liaoning Province are children of city leaders, and the incident attracted attention after being disclosed by this newspaper. A cadre who participated in the selection revealed the loopholes in the selection process of "double push and double examination" in Benxi: the number of candidates is not enough, so find someone to make up; When the children of the Standing Committee are leaders, they should be decided early.

    Xu Yun (a pseudonym) is a "denominator", which is one of the "denominator" of the secretary and deputy secretary of the municipal party committee of Benxi City. He knew that he didn’t have a chance to become a "molecule" and didn’t want to participate. However, because of the serious shortage of applicants and he met the registration conditions, he was forced to play the role of "accompanying the prince to study".

    How did the children of three city leaders get into leadership positions through double push and double examination? Yesterday (2nd), Xu Yun told the Southern Reporter about his own experience.

    On the same day, Xinhua also issued a manuscript, which finally confirmed the news that the selection was illegal and the result was invalid. According to sources, before the local decision was made, several young cadres had been in the Benxi Communist Youth League Committee for a week.

    Xu Yun, who had signed up for the "Double Push and Double Exam" selection of leading cadres in Benxi, was interviewed by our reporter on May 2. He said that he didn’t want to "study with the prince" at first, but he couldn’t help it. "At the beginning, many people knew that they couldn’t compete with them and didn’t want to sign up, but those who met the organizational requirements had to sign up and didn’t report. These people’s resumes are all there, so they don’t need to use anyone. Because the number of people who signed up was not enough, they came to us. " Xu Yun said.

    The "double push and double examination" is an advanced experience of innovation in the field of selecting cadres in Benxi. It was successfully carried out in 2005 and 2006, and was fully affirmed by the superiors and widely reported by the news media. And why are there four elected cadres and three children of city leaders in this double-push and double-test? What is the gap between the strict procedures stipulated in the double push and double examination and the actual operation?

    Registration: There are not enough people, so hurry up.

    According to the procedure published in the Announcement of Selecting Leading Cadres by "Double Push and Double Exam" (No.1), first, the announcement was made through the local news media, and then "double push"-

    "Recommend registration": register by combining personal recommendation, mass recommendation and organizational recommendation; "Recommend nomination": hold a public recommendation meeting attended by a certain range of people and make democratic recommendation among the applicants. According to the votes, from high to low, five candidates for evaluation and inspection were determined and announced in the media. The time is from March 6 to 10.

    Announcement No.1 was issued on March 5th. According to the data of Benxi Talent Network, the official website of Benxi Organization Department, by 16: 00 on March 7, the number of applicants for the Communist Youth League Committee Secretary was only one, and there were nine deputy secretaries.

    By the final number of applicants announced on March 11, the number of applicants for the Communist Youth League Committee Secretary reached 13 and the number of deputy secretaries reached 26.

    Xu Yun said, "A lot of people don’t know what’s going on, so they just fill in the form. It may even be that some people don’t fill out their own forms. " He filled out a form, a piece of paper, with his resume clearly written on it, and handed in four photos. Then he will have nothing to do, and the organization department of the unit will do it. "Everything that can be hung up has been reported, and some of them are far-fetched, but at least there are enough people."

    Interview: Someone was not informed at all.

    The next step is the interview evaluation. It mainly includes interview defense and qualification evaluation. Followed by the organization inspection. The organization department of the Municipal Party Committee will appoint a special person to form an investigation team to conduct a comprehensive investigation on the moral, ability, diligence, performance, honesty and other related aspects of the candidates in a quantitative way. On the basis of interview evaluation and organization inspection, the interview defense, qualification evaluation and organization inspection are scored quantitatively.

    If this procedure is followed, it seems that all applicants should have an interview. But Xu Yun was not informed to attend the interview. Xu Yun said that before the interview, there is actually a primary selection procedure, and only the candidates determined by the primary selection can participate in the interview. The primary criteria are not announced, and he has no way of knowing.

    Voting: The Standing Committee voted to elect the children of the Standing Committee.

    The last step is to determine the candidate for the post. According to the interview evaluation, organization inspection and quantitative scoring, the Ministry of the Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee will vote by secret ballot on five candidates for evaluation and inspection, and put forward two candidates for post recommendation, which will be submitted to the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee for discussion. By secret ballot, the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee voted on the difference between the two proposed candidates and determined one candidate.

    Xu Yun said, in fact, the candidate is basically decided at the ministerial meeting of the organization department. The vote of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee actually exists in name only: "Who can say no when the Standing Committee discusses the children of the Standing Committee? Even if you disagree, you can’t say it at the meeting. " For the whole selection, he concluded: "On the surface, it is very democratic, but in fact, it is selling dog meat with a sheep’s head."

    Why does leading children into politics raise questions? There are too many hard injuries on the road to promotion

    No one will think that leading children can’t go into politics. The key lies in whether the road of leading children’s promotion can stand the test of procedures and public judgment. I look forward to the involvement of relevant parties in investigating this cadre selection storm and giving the public an explanation.

    Benxi city announced that the results of four league cadres selected by "double push and double examination" were invalid.

    Xinhuanet Shenyang, May 2 (Reporter Xu Yang) The Organization Department of Benxi Municipal Committee confirmed to Xinhua News Agency on the 2 nd: Not long ago, four league cadres selected by Benxi City through "double promotion and double examination" were decided by the Benxi Municipal Committee because some links did not meet the relevant regulations.

    The result of selecting cadres in Benxi City was declared invalid.

    On April 25th, it was learned from the Organization Department of Benxi Municipal Committee that one Communist Youth League Secretary and three Deputy Secretaries of the Communist Youth League Committee were publicly selected and produced in Benxi City through "double promotion and double examination". According to the research of Benxi Municipal Committee, some of the four league cadres selected this time do not have the required qualifications, and there are also problems in the discussion and decision-making process that violate the withdrawal system of cadre selection and appointment. To this end, the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee discussed and decided that the results of the secretary and deputy secretary of the Municipal Party Committee of the "double push and double examination" selection group were invalid.

    Leading children into alternative cadres was exposed, arguing that cadres’ children also became talents.

    Recently, a notice of selecting cadres in Benxi City, Liaoning Province caught the attention of netizens. A post on the Internet reprinted this announcement, saying that the four people mentioned in the announcement who were proposed to be the secretary and deputy secretary of the Benxi Youth League Committee were selected, and the parents of three people were leaders in Benxi City. Most related posts have been deleted. There is news on the official news network that the results of the selection of cadres are invalid, but the news has also been deleted, and it is still impossible to verify the authenticity of its report.

    People get promoted abroad and at home?

    According to insiders, the son of the Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission is still studying abroad at public expense.

    It is rumored that Gao Ting’s father is Gao Chengzhu, deputy secretary of Benxi Municipal Committee and secretary of the Disciplinary Committee. Wang Zuopeng, a Benxi native who had many contacts with Gao Chengzhu because of reporting a demolition case involving corruption, previously confirmed to this reporter that Gao Ting was indeed the son of Gao Chengzhu. Yesterday, he revealed to our reporter that he learned that the experience mentioned in Gao Ting’s resume may be untrue. According to the resume, Gao Ting is currently the director of Mingshan Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation Bureau, the deputy director of China Merchants Bureau and the director of Gaotaizi Town Industrial Office. Wang Zuopeng alleged that as far as he knew, there was no Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation Bureau or China Merchants Bureau in Mingshan District, and Gaoting’s salary was paid by Mingshan District Development Plan and Economic and Trade Bureau. He said that he sent a text message to Gao Chengzhu and asked, "Gao Ting doesn’t go to work. Why can he get a salary at the Mingshan District Development Planning and Economic and Trade Bureau with the official treatment?"

    However, although the reporter did not see the Bureau of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation and China Merchants Bureau in the sequence of government agencies published on the website of Mingshan District Government, he also learned that China Merchants Bureau does exist and there are actual investment projects. The reporter also saw some documents issued by China Merchants Bureau in Mingshan District. However, the foreign trade bureau of Mingshan District did not find out the specific situation. However, Benxi Foreign Trade Bureau is responsible for investment promotion, so Mingshan Investment Promotion Bureau and Foreign Trade Bureau may be the same institution, but they do not exist. The reporter called several leaders in Mingshan District to verify this situation, and the other party either turned off the phone or did not answer the phone.

    Wang Zuopeng said that Gao Ting did not work in the district, and now he is studying abroad, not at home, and he did not work in Benxi.

    And Xu Yun also revealed to reporters that Gao Ting is indeed abroad, and she is participating in a public study abroad program. It seems that she went out last year and probably won’t come back until June this year. He doesn’t know if he went back to China for an interview during the double push and double test.

    According to the official resume, Gao Ting, born in 1981, studied at Manitoba University in Canada and joined the work in 2004.

    I have been in office for one week before declaring the selection invalid.

    The identities of the three children of Benxi leaders posted on the net posts have all been confirmed.

    Xu Yun, a cadre who participated in the "Double Push and Double Exam" selection in Benxi, revealed to our reporter yesterday that several league cadres had already reported to the Communist Youth League Committee and took office for a week. After Benxi suddenly announced that the selection result was invalid, they were returned to their original units.

    Xinhua news agency issued a confirmation message

    According to the press release issued by Northeast News Network on April 25th, the Standing Committee of Benxi Municipal Committee discussed and decided that the results of the "Double Push and Double Exam" selection group were invalid. Then the news was deleted. After this newspaper reported the incident of Benxi selection group cadres, the network released this news again.

    Because this news was sent and deleted, deleted and sent again, and because our reporter could not get in touch with the organization department of Benxi Municipal Committee and other relevant departments during May Day, the news that this selection was invalid could not be finalized.

    Yesterday, the Organization Department of Benxi Municipal Committee finally confirmed to Xinhua News Agency that the selection result was invalid.

    According to Xinhua News Agency, Benxi City has publicly selected one Communist Youth League Secretary and three Communist Youth League Deputy Secretaries by means of "double promotion and double examination". Because one Communist Youth League Secretary and two deputy secretaries are children of relevant leaders, this announcement has caused controversy in society. After research, the Benxi Municipal Committee believes that the four cadres selected this time do not have the required qualifications, and there are also problems in the discussion and decision-making process that violate the system of avoiding the selection and appointment of cadres. To this end, the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee has discussed and decided on April 25 that the results of the "double push and double examination" selection group’s party secretary and deputy secretary are invalid.

    Son of the United front minister

    Xu Yun, who participated in the selection of leading cadres in Benxi’s "Double Push and Double Exam", revealed to our reporter that on April 27th, the province sent people to Benxi to declare the selection invalid. At that time, several new Communist Youth League officials had reported to work for a week, and the work was all started. At first, the staff of the Organization Department of Benxi Municipal Committee replied to our reporter that these three people were not appointed.

    "How can you report without appointment and go to work? How can the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee be appointed if it fails? The Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee discussed and approved the appointment, but then why did it "discuss and decide" that the selection was invalid? Hit yourself in the mouth. " Xu Yun questioned.

    In addition, Xu Yun revealed to reporters that Li Haoran, the third person involved in the rumor, is indeed the son of Li Ming, vice chairman of the CPPCC and director of the United Front Work Department of the Municipal Party Committee. This is no secret in Benxi, and many people know it. After graduation, Li Haoran worked in the talent exchange center. He worked in the Communist Youth League Committee for a short time. When he left the Communist Youth League Committee, he was treated as a place class. It is said that he was a section chief in the Communist Youth League Committee. Not long after working in the Communist Youth League Committee, I went to a town for temporary training and served as mayor. After coming back, he was transferred from the Communist Youth League Committee to the Party Working Committee of Jinshan Street in Mingshan District as deputy secretary and director of the office. So far, the three people involved in the rumor: Sun Mingyong (the mother is the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and the Chairman of the Municipal Federation of Trade Unions), Gao Ting (the father is the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and the Secretary of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection), and Li Haoran are all confirmed to be the children of the current municipal leaders.

    Political Steps in Benxi

    Xu Yun also explained that he said earlier that the division level in Li Haoran was different from that in the whole country. In Liaoning, Shenyang, Dalian, Fushun, Benxi and Anshan have a division level between the bureau level (equivalent to the national division level) and the division level. That is to say, this level setting is one level higher than the national level, which is the product of a special period after the founding of the People’s Republic of China. Therefore, in theory, the speed of promotion should be slower.

    In Benxi, according to the ordinary speed, the promotion should be as follows: clerk 3-5 years, deputy section chief 3 years, section chief 3 years, deputy director 3 years, director 3 years, deputy director 3 years, director, Sun Mingyong joined the work in March 2005 (the proposed bureau level is equivalent to the department level), Gao Ting joined the work in August 2004 and Li Haoran joined the work in August 1999.

    However, when promoting and appointing young cadres, especially those of the Communist Youth League Committee, they are generally younger and supported by relevant policies. (Source: Southern Metropolis Daily reporter Tan Renwei)

    Why does leading children into politics raise questions? There are too many hard injuries on the road to promotion

    No one will think that leading children can’t go into politics. The key lies in whether the road of leading children’s promotion can stand the test of procedures and public judgment. I look forward to the involvement of relevant parties in investigating this cadre selection storm and giving the public an explanation.

    Benxi city announced that the results of four league cadres selected by "double push and double examination" were invalid.

    Xinhuanet Shenyang, May 2 (Reporter Xu Yang) The Organization Department of Benxi Municipal Committee confirmed to Xinhua News Agency on the 2 nd: Not long ago, four league cadres selected by Benxi City through "double promotion and double examination" were decided by the Benxi Municipal Committee because some links did not meet the relevant regulations.

    The result of selecting cadres in Benxi City was declared invalid.

    On April 25th, it was learned from the Organization Department of Benxi Municipal Committee that one Communist Youth League Secretary and three Deputy Secretaries of the Communist Youth League Committee were publicly selected and produced in Benxi City through "double promotion and double examination". According to the research of Benxi Municipal Committee, some of the four league cadres selected this time do not have the required qualifications, and there are also problems in the discussion and decision-making process that violate the withdrawal system of cadre selection and appointment. To this end, the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee discussed and decided that the results of the secretary and deputy secretary of the Municipal Party Committee of the "double push and double examination" selection group were invalid.

    Leading children into alternative cadres was exposed, arguing that cadres’ children also became talents.

    Recently, a notice of selecting cadres in Benxi City, Liaoning Province caught the attention of netizens. A post on the Internet reprinted this announcement, saying that the four people mentioned in the announcement who were proposed to be the secretary and deputy secretary of the Benxi Youth League Committee were selected, and the parents of three people were leaders in Benxi City. Most related posts have been deleted. There is news on the official news network that the results of the selection of cadres are invalid, but the news has also been deleted, and it is still impossible to verify the authenticity of its report.

Editor: Li Erqing


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