The number of topics played has exceeded 100 million! "Civilized Yuncheng, Civilized You and Me" vibrato short video contest is waiting for you to participate.


The number of topics played has exceeded 100 million! "Civilized Yuncheng, Civilized You and Me" vibrato short video contest is waiting for you to participate.

Yellow River News Network Yuncheng News (Reporter Li Bingrui)"Garbage sorting, little Lei Feng is in action", "Civilized travel, courteous to pedestrians", "Eliminating potential safety hazards, creating a civilized community", "Tomb-Sweeping Day’s civilized sacrifice, forest fire prevention is everyone’s responsibility" … Since the start of the "Civilized Yuncheng, Civilized You and Me" vibrato short video competition, high-quality works have emerged continuously, and the number of topics has continued to rise. As of April 2, the total broadcast volume of the contest topic has reached 130 million times. The entries depict the happiness of civilized Yuncheng in different forms and from different perspectives.

At present, the winners of the contest in March have been announced. At present, the entry channel is still open for the majority of participants. Participants need to post short videos related to the theme of the event on the vibrato platform, focusing on civilized tourism, civilized dog raising, civilized travel, civilized dining, civilized rural customs, integrity building, practicing socialist core values, family style and family training. Before publishing the work, you should add the topic of "# Civilized Yuncheng" to the video copy and edit the copy related to the video content.

Excellent works will be selected in the monthly activities, and 100 yuan will be rewarded with telephone charges, and the outstanding list of the current period will be announced on the 5th of next month. Excellent works will also be displayed on mainstream websites and platforms in Yuncheng.

Welcome everyone who loves your hometown, pick up the lens in your hand, capture the beautiful moment of the city, show the unique charm of Yuncheng and cheer for the civilized Yuncheng.

  • [Editor: Niu Ruimeng]


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