标签归档 西安耍耍


Q1 earnings observation: Meituan, which was hit hard by the epidemic, why is the stock price still soaring?

New Game Original

By Camellia

Editor: Lei Yunting

Yesterday, Meituan Dianping released the 2020 Quarter 1 performance report. The data shows that Meituan’s total revenue in the first quarter was 16.76 billion yuan, a simultaneous decrease of 12.6%. The operating loss was 1.72 billion yuan, an increase of 31.6% from the 1.30 billion in the same period in 2019, and the adjusted net loss was 216 million yuan, a year-on-year decrease of more than 40%.

Among them, the food and beverage takeaway business achieved revenue of 9.49 billion yuan, down 11.4% year-on-year; the revenue of the store, hotel and tourism business 3.09 billion, down 31.1% year-on-year; new business and other income 4.117 billion yuan, up 4.9% against the trend.

Although Meituan’s two strong businesses, catering takeaway and in-store, hotel business, have been hit hard by the epidemic, the sharp narrowing of net losses and the stories to be told in the future still make the market full of confidence in Meituan. After yesterday’s financial report was released, Meituan’s share price closed at HK $125.8, an increase of more than 6%.

Today, Meituan’s share price closed at HK $138.9, an increase of 10.41%, and the current total market value is about HK $804.706 billion.

Wuliangye has been listed for nearly 22 years, and its market value is 573.70 billion RMB, equivalent to 623.70 billion Hong Kong dollars; Meituan has been listed for less than two years, and its market value has exceeded Wuliangye (000858). The great charm of the new economy is evident.


"Campaign": Reduced commission, withdrawal price

The platform and merchants are originally a community of interests. During the epidemic, Meituan Takeaway launched the "Merchant Partner Commission Refund Program" to provide merchants with free rebates, subsidies and free traffic support to help them tide over difficult times. Hundreds of thousands of merchants across the country participated. In Wuhan, the amount of free commission has exceeded 30 million yuan.

In addition to alleviating the pressure on merchants in terms of free commission, Meituan has also upgraded the "Spring Breeze Action" to the Million Small Stores Program, by providing online operations and other measures to help merchants recover digitally. Newly launched merchants who originally relied mainly on dine-in and needed to develop online channels can enjoy Meituan’s 7-14 days of "new merchant support traffic."

Although the latest financial report shows that Meituan’s commission income in the first quarter was 8.564 billion yuan, and the commission rate was 11.98%, a decrease of 1.5% year-on-year, in the long run, these two measures have accumulated merchants for the Meituan platform. In addition to commissions, the marketing advertising expenses of merchants are also one of the profit channels for the platform, and merchants provide the possibility for Meituan to increase advertising revenue.

Another profit margin for Meituan comes from the cultivation of user consumption behavior.

"Operation Spring Breeze" has enabled many high-quality merchants to achieve a contrarian growth in orders during the epidemic, which has promoted the increase in the unit price of takeaway consumers. According to the financial report, Meituan’s first-quarter catering takeaway revenue decreased by 11.4% year-on-year, the average daily takeaway order volume fell by 18.2%, and the total order volume fell by 46% year-on-year. However, the average price of each order rose by 14.4% to 52 yuan, and the unit price of customers increased significantly.

In addition, since Meituan Distribution was officially established as an independent brand on May 6 last year, as of now, Meituan Distribution has covered 6.20 million multi-product merchants such as catering, fresh food, supermarkets, bookstores, flowers, etc. These categories have become vertical products ordered by users online, and users’ brand awareness of Meituan’s "everything can be home" is deepening.


Future: Food + Platform, Diversity

When Meituan listed in Hong Kong two years ago, Meituan’s co-founder Wang Huiwen repeatedly mentioned Meituan’s Food + Platform grand strategy in the face of the media, that is, starting from takeaway, horizontally covering multiple life service areas such as store delivery, home delivery, and travel.

The core of this strategy is to strengthen a single center of gravity, from the most high-frequency catering consumption to other low-frequency areas, to tap the traffic value of other areas, and to better conduct cross-selling.

Meituan’s current new businesses mainly include food and beverage management systems and B2B food and beverage supply chain services, shared bicycles and online car-hailing, and food retail services.

According to the financial report, in Quarter 1, 2020, Meituan Dianping’s revenue from new business and other divisions was 4.20 billion yuan, an increase of 4.9% year-on-year. This was mainly due to the increase in Meituan’s flash sale and micro-loan business revenue, which was partially offset by the decrease in ride-hailing and B2B catering supply chain service revenue (affected by the epidemic).

The growth of new business is conducive to the overall pull of Meituan.

Meituan’s important fresh food retail business – Meituan market and Meituan flash sale are a major highlight of the earnings report. During the earnings call, Meituan CEO Wang Xing mentioned for the first time that the grocery shopping business will be a very key business sector for Meituan. He said that with the increasing demand of consumers to buy food online, this sector will bring more opportunities and imagination to Meituan in the future, so he will continue to invest in this field.

New businesses including Meituan bicycles and online car-hailing lost 1.40 billion yuan in the first quarter, and the operating profit margin narrowed to -33%. However, the cost of shared bicycles decreased by nearly 1 billion yuan, and depreciation also decreased significantly. Meituan has achieved expenditure control on the bicycle business. These all provide imagination for Meituan’s future development, which is conducive to Meituan’s search for a more perfect growth curve.


Competing against each other: the new economy, the new battlefield

Wang Xing said Meituan has no boundaries. However, conducting multiple businesses also means facing multiple competitors.

Ele.me, Meituan’s main competitor, has significantly outpaced Meituan’s 28.3% growth in revenue performance with a 41% growth in the past 12 months (April 2019-March 2020).

Ele.me’s ability to widen the gap with Meituan in terms of growth rate is mainly due to Alibaba’s integration of resources. From the Double 11 promotion at the end of 2019 to the reduction of commission for catering merchants during the epidemic, and a large number of merchants coming to Ele.me to open stores, Alibaba has used the so-called "synergistic advantages of the digital ecological economy" to attract a large number of merchants to settle in Ele.me, and even non-takeaway merchants such as Marriott Hotel, Decathlon, major museums, and Xinhua Bookstore. This places new requirements on Meituan’s resource integration capabilities and technological upgrading.

As a giant in China’s express delivery industry, SF Express’s entry into the takeaway market has also brought challenges to Meituan. Recently, SF Express launched the "Fengshi" platform, focusing on food delivery services for the corporate employee market. At present, many well-known brands such as Xibei, Yoshinojia, Ajisen Ramen, and Dicos have settled in.

Although SF Express said that the "Fengshi" WeChat Mini Program is still in the incubation stage and is currently only implemented within SF Express, it does not mean to fight against Meituan and Ele.me. But "Fengshi", which focuses on low-draw points, may use the B-end business to develop the C-end, which cannot help Meituan, a colleague, feel anxious.

In March, Didi announced that it had launched errands in 21 cities, including Shanghai, Shenzhen, and Chongqing. Users could summon errands to buy goods they needed and enjoy door-to-door delivery services. The function of picking up and delivering goods in the same city would also be opened. At that time, Didi introduced that the first batch of Didi errands were served by Didi drivers, who rode electric vehicles to receive orders every day. Eligible drivers could provide errands as soon as possible after training.

Just today, Hello’s logistics business "Hello Express" has been launched for testing. Hello Travel said that Hello Express is an "errand running" project currently being explored by Hello Travel’s Pratt & Whitney Vehicle Division. It focuses on the delivery of small items and has not been officially launched. It is currently under test operation in Dongguan and Foshan.


Multiple rivals also mean that the market is vast. As of this afternoon, according to Forbes real-time data, Wang Xing’s personal wealth is 11 billion US dollars (about 77 billion yuan), making him the 20th richest person in China. "We believe that business growth in 2025 is to increase our daily orders to 50 million, and the current data is still a long way off, so we need to further invest in technology in the future." With the strong wind of emerging economies, Meituan is still running.

This article was first published on WeChat official account: New Game. The content of the article belongs to the author’s personal opinion and does not represent the position of Hexun.com. Investors operate accordingly, and please bear the risk.

(Editor in charge: Jillia HN003)

Wu Mengda said that Zhou Xingchi needs to be denied, and he was rejected for borrowing money from Zhou Yunfa

Feature: Picture Channel

Wu Mengda

  The Chinese-Korean romantic comedy "Love Art of War" stars Taiwan diva Xu Ruo?, Hong Kong veteran actor Wu Mengda and others, who appeared in Changsha yesterday to meet fans.

  Wu Mengda came to "The Story Behind" and reviewed the years when he was "hurt by women, drinking, and gambling", and exposed the unbearable past that he almost committed suicide when he went bankrupt because of 300,000’s debts. Xu Ruo?, on the other hand, generously talked about the experience of many years of love, laughing that she likes to use "hard to get" in "36 tricks of love".

  Wu Mengda is a guest on "The Story Behind"

  pinnacle of career

  "Hu Tiehua" lost herself

  [Star City collides with stars]

  He has been in the film industry for 37 years, but he has never starred in a real movie. From an unscrupulous father to a decadent and incompetent police officer, he has almost played the joys and sorrows of the common people in the market. Wu Mengda, who is firmly in the No. 2 position of "Funny Man" in Hong Kong. In 1971, Wu Mengda, a young man under the age of 20, went to TVB’s artist training class. After performing a mime, he became classmates with Chow Yun-fat and Chow Xingchi. "When I was a walk-on, I only had 8 lines a day at most." At that time, it was the golden age of Hong Kong movies, and with my little cleverness, Wu Mengda established a firm foothold. The follow-up performance of Hu Tiehua in "The Legend of Chu Liuxiang" made his career soar to the peak, earning $1,500 for one appearance on the stage. " Many people around me took me to the sky, and I completely lost myself. I drank, played cards, etc. every day. I didn’t have the heart to work, so I looked forward to finishing work early. "

  Ruan Jingtian and Chen Qiaoen "don’t call"

  Fortunately, the four-year slump did not completely sink Wu Mengda. After reflection, he began to gain the trust of the circle again. In 1988, he started his first collaboration with Stephen Chow on "He Comes from the Jianghu", and since then the "Stephen Chow + Wu Mengda" model has become a sign of nonsense style. However, the close cooperation between each other has a crack in "Kung Fu". "When I met SARS, my schedule was up, and I couldn’t shoot" Kung Fu ". He didn’t think I was friends enough." Regarding the relationship between the two people, Wu Mengda bluntly said that Zhou Xingchi is not the same as before. "He has raised himself to a high level, and now no one dares to deny him, but I think he needs to be denied, because everyone is wrong at times." Wu Mengda also said that Zhou Xingchi is full of talent, "like’Journey to the West ‘, he just thought about how to make it look good and fun, and he didn’t consider it a classic at all."

  In 1980, Wu Mengda suddenly found that the unemployment crisis was approaching, and he not only could not make ends meet, but also owed 300,000 Hong Kong dollars in gambling debts. What was even more uncomfortable was that there was no drama to play. And in this situation, he was suddenly notified by the Hong Kong government to declare him bankrupt in the media. In order to get through the difficulties, the first thing he thought of was his best friend Chow Yun-fat. "I didn’t expect him to say to me, ‘You solve it yourself!’ I hated him so much at the time, I couldn’t understand that sentence, what was 300,000 to him? I thought about it at home for three days. I remembered a reservoir I went to play in when I was a child, and everything was solved by jumping down. I wanted to commit suicide." Speaking of these unbearable memories, Uncle Da couldn’t help but wipe his tears when he saw his compromised role in "Shaolin Football" on the screen.

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The concept video of "The Legend of Lu Xiaofeng" was first exposed

  Authorized by Gu Long, the first concept video of the NetEase 3D action martial arts mobile game "Legend of Lu Xiaofeng" was exposed today, and the news that the game will be sealed and tested in mid-January was released simultaneously. Judging from the exposed promotional video, the game inherits the essence of the many mysteries of Gu Long’s novels, which are interconnected and look at flowers in the fog. The high gamble caused by the peak confrontation between the two Kendo masters led to a bizarre murder case in the rivers and lakes, and the clues were connected one by one, and the players logged in to solve the mystery.

  The first decisive battle of all time – the sword god Ximen Chuixue and the lord of Baiyun City, Ye Gucheng, fought on the top of the Forbidden City. The powerful and capable people have gambled heavily on who will win and who will lose. Li Yanbei, who bet on Ximen Chuixue, died tragically in Xicheng Gate, which became the beginning of the suspense of the story. "The Legend of Lu Xiaofeng" perfectly inherits the essence of the original book from the macro settings and details such as character dialogues, scenes, and plot development. A thread seems to weave a net of heaven and earth in front of you. Players seem to be caught in the situation and have clear eyes and ears, fully enjoying the extraordinary taste of ancient dragon-style martial arts.

  The game is open, there must be life and death. Ximen Chuixue disappeared, and Ye Gucheng’s life in the Tang Sect was not long ago. The rivers and lakes are changing, and the swords and swords are evil. Point persons died one after another, and the black hands behind the scenes came and went without a trace, and the events became more and more confusing. "The Legend of Lu Xiaofeng" reproduces the appearance of all beings in the rivers and lakes. The plot is interlocking and full of tension, leading you to experience all kinds of rivers and lakes on the way to breaking the game.

  Ximen Chuixue said: "Those who are not sincere are not enough to discuss swords at all." Ye Gucheng said: "People who learn swords are only sincere in swords, not necessarily sincere in others." The strange warriors in Gu Long’s writing are tall and distant, and their martial arts attainments are unique and mysterious. "The Legend of Lu Xiaofeng" restores the unrestrained posture of the ancient dragon’s long and upright body, and creates a "double" martial arts system, inheriting the high martial arts attainments of the martial arts warriors who are like entering a no-man’s land. In the dashing skirt, dozens of people lie across, and the players guide and control the room, becoming the legendary ruler of the rivers and lakes.

  "Full moon night, the top of the Forbidden City, one sword breaks the flying fairy." "Legend of Lu Xiaofeng" uses top-level 3D modeling and real-life motion capture technology to perfectly realize the peerless posture of the two kendo masters and the unparalleled battle of the top of the Forbidden City. On the top of the Forbidden City, the sword god’s clothes pass before your eyes, and the cold sword qi hits you head-on. In the cool bamboo forest, the green snake driven by the midi leaps in front of you, making you feel terrified that you can’t get along with it. The game’s next-generation high definition image quality and full-truth collection of character movements bring players a top-level action audio-visual experience.

  NetEase 3D action martial arts mobile game "Legend of Lu Xiaofeng" is about to open in mid-January. Qixia Jianghu, waiting for you to explore!

  Regarding "The Legend of Lu Xiaofeng":

  One sword comes west, and the sky is flying immortal! Genuine authorization of Gu Long: NetEase 3D action martial arts mobile game "Legend of Lu Xiaofeng" will open the closed beta in mid-January. The original taste of the game reproduces the essence of Gu Long, the fast sword cuts off the enmity, one finger knows the consonance, and takes you into a real unrestrained knight Jianghu.

  Massive benefits, please pay attention to the official WeChat: lxfcq163


14.8-18.8 million yuan, Geely Xingyue L opened the global pre-sale.

Today, we learned from the official of Geely Automobile that its new SUV Xingyue L will be pre-sold globally in the official applet and officially listed in July.

It is reported that the pre-sale price of Xingyue L is 148,000-188,000 yuan. With the publicity of the pre-sale price, Geely has also launched a number of exclusive rights for pre-sale: 520 yuan deposit is 2,000 yuan; Buy a car at the pre-sale price, and retreat more and make up less after listing; 2-year 7.8% discount value-added repurchase; Up to 7000 yuan replacement subsidy; 36 zero-interest financial subsidies; 20% discount on Cuiyu Magic Color Suit; Blind subscription users also enjoy pre-sale rights.

Xingyue L is the third model based on CMA platform after Xingyue and Xingrui. In the world’s first test a few days ago, Xingyue L competed with German and Japanese benchmark SUV models on the same stage. In addition, the comprehensive mechanical quality of Xingyue L is ahead of SUVs such as Volkswagen Tiguan L, Honda CR-V, Toyota RAV4 and Rongfang.

From the overall appearance, the body line of Xingyue L is hard-line, which is a conventional urban SUV style: it adopts a straight waterfall air intake grille with matrix headlights on both sides, giving people a tall and tough visual experience. Xingyue L has a body length of 4770mm, a width of 1895mm, a height of 1689mm and a wheelbase of 2845mm, and the body size exceeds the level of the joint venture brand SUV at the same level.

In terms of interior, Xingyue L pays more attention to the oriental aesthetic design: in the design of continuing the three-spoke multifunctional flat-bottomed steering wheel and airplane-style gear handle, a triple screen layout consisting of a liquid crystal dashboard, a central control screen and a co-pilot screen is added in the central control area.

In terms of security, CMA architecture gives Xingyue L the top security gene. Xingyue L hardware is world-leading and meets the global five-star safety standards in China, Europe and America.

In terms of health, Xingyue L advocates building an all-round healthy car. The car is equipped with CN95 air conditioning filter +AQS air purification, PM2.5 monitoring and protection, fresh air system and G-clean scene mode.

Intellectually, Xingyue L also performed well. Its CMA intelligent evolvable electronic and electrical architecture is twice as fast as the mainstream cars in the market, and its data transmission rate is 200 times faster than the world-class architecture. In addition, Xingyue L is equipped with the strongest Qualcomm Snapdragon 8155 chip, which supports 5G high-speed network and drives multiple screens with one core.

In terms of power, Xingyue L adopts Borgwarner’s latest generation of four-wheel drive technology in the world: the 6th generation Haldex. The whole system is equipped with Drive-E 2.0TD high-performance powertrain with a maximum power of 175kW. At the same time, Xingyue L achieved a big dimension increase in four-wheel drive performance, and its response speed increased by 16.7%.


Under the trend of film cross-border integration, the industry needs a "new force" like Sunac culture.

Is the ceiling of the movie market still far away? Besides box office income, how can the value of movie content find an incremental market?

Reading entertainment | yiqiduyu

Wen | Zero One

The 4th China Film and Television Capital Summit held on June 11th looks a bit "mixed". Combining "finance and economics+film and television+cross-border+integration", the summit also held two special round-table dialogues, among which the round-table dialogue with the theme of "New Consumption, New Cross-border Scenes of China Films" brought together a group of "cross-border people" who are far or near to the film.

Participants in this round-table dialogue include Wang Jianer, Party Secretary and Chairman of Shanghai Film Group; Sun Zheyi, President of Sunac Culture Group and Executive Director of Sunac China; Chen Sicheng, a famous director, screenwriter and actor; Zhang Yu, investment partner of sequoia capital china; Wang Ran, founder and CEO of Yikai Capital; Zhang lei, CEO of Yuanjing Technology Group; Executive Director of POP MART; Chief Operating Officer of the Group; Side, President of China District, etc. They are from various fields, including film and television, investment, environmental protection and new consumption.

This is the first time that Sunac Culture participated in the China Film and Television Capital Summit. As a film "new force" established just over two years ago, Sunac Culture has successively participated in the joint production of mainstream blockbusters such as My People,My Country and A Writer’s Odyssey, and at the same time, it has actively deployed and launched works such as Luo Xiaohei’s War and Wish Dragon in the animation field. At the strategic conference held last month, Sunac Culture showed the panoramic layout of the Group’s business to the outside world for the first time, and launched two major content brands, namely "Sunac Film and Television" and "Sunac Animation", and at the same time revealed a new positioning centered on "IP+ Content+New Consumption Scenes", and its strategic objectives are in line with the theme of this forum.

Since the outbreak, the film industry has experienced a period of ups and downs. From shutdown to recovery, the international market has not yet returned to normal. Although the film market in China has recovered rapidly, the market income source is still relatively single, and the industry is still exploring more stable business models. The topic involved in this "new consumption, new cross-border scenes of China movies" is more related to the future of the film industry, or the development node it faces-Is the ceiling of the movie market still far away? Besides box office income, how can the value of movie content find an incremental market?


The future of the film industry lies in "more than box office"

In the keynote speeches and forums of this film and television capital summit, many guests mentioned the same phenomenon:There is a huge difference between the income composition of China film market and the international market.

Yan Yan, the founding managing partner of Safran Asia Investment Fund, pointed out in his keynote speech that the box office revenue in China film market accounts for almost more than 90%, but the box office revenue in the US film market only accounts for 30% of the total, and two-thirds of the revenue comes from the "back market", such as DVD, pay TV, derivatives, etc. "For example, the famous movie Titanic has a box office of more than 2 billion US dollars, but its back income has reached nearly two billion US dollars.

Director Chen Sicheng mentioned that the film industry is now "empty and influential", and nearly 100 million viewers in Detective Chinatown 3 bought tickets to go to the cinema during the Spring Festival. "But now we.Except for the consumption behavior of watching movies and the consumption scene of cinemas, everything else is almost zero.. Chen Sicheng also mentioned that all domestic cultural film companies together have a market value of less than 16% of Disney’s. In this regard, Chen Sicheng believes: "Disney is not just a logic of selling movie tickets. It sells its own movie tickets around the world, sells its own ideology, and sells its own goods around the world."

Sun Zheyi, president of Sunac Culture Group and executive director of Sunac China, also mentioned the great energy of Disney model and the value of its original IP. "We look at Disney, which is the IP of Star Wars. Their $10 billion box office has a revenue of $40 billion. This piece is the value of real IP. And if this piece pulls the value of global derivatives, the top 50 does not have an IP of China. "

The box office revenue of China film market is absolutely mainstream, but this should not be the "final form" of the film industry.This may also be the reason why new entrants such as Sunac Culture and state-owned film giants such as Shangying attach importance to "IP operation"-Sunac Culture just released a new strategic positioning of "IP+ content+new consumption new scene" last month; Wang Jianer, Party Secretary and Chairman of Shanghai Film Group, also said in the forum that "big IP development" is one of the company’s three core strategies: "From the beginning of creative theme, we should establish the concept of big IP and consider how to combine the investment and new consumption of this film. At the extension end, we should consider the whole chain operation mode and cross-border content operation mode."

From 2010, the box office just broke 10 billion, and the number of national screens just broke 6,200, to 2019, the box office income of 64.266 billion yuan and 69,000 screens. The box office income of the film market has developed rapidly in recent years and slowed down in the past two years, but this does not mean that the ceiling of the film industry has arrived.The diversified business model of high-quality IP still has great potential. The potential beyond box office income-consumption, tourism and technology, the next peak of the development of China film industry needs China film content to try more cross-border forms and create greater value in the vast world of derivative markets.


There are n ways to realize the cross-border integration of movies.

How can the industry do better?

Among the cross-border objects of China film market, "new consumption" is perhaps the most important one. In Mr. Reading Entertainment’s view, this is determined by the background of the great economic development era. In 2020, the National Development and Reform Commission said that China will soon surpass the United States and become the largest consumer market in the world. With the outbreak of strong market scale and active consumption power, a large number of "new consumption" subdivisions have experienced explosive growth: for example, POP MART, with a market value of over 100 billion due to the "blind box economy", the rapidly rising Hanfu market, offline script killing, werewolf killing and other new forms of entertainment consumption.

The mushrooming "new consumption" not only reflects consumers’ enthusiasm for emerging consumer goods, but also reflects the vitality and scale effect of the whole China consumer market.

In this summit forum, Wang Ran, founder and CEO of Yikai Capital, thinks thatThe consumer market has created opportunities for the film industry. ": "Because of the uniqueness of China’s consumer market, its volume and growth have led to so many new consumer brands in China, and new consumer companies like Bubble Matt can break ground and have a large number of them.Capital comes together. Therefore, the capital’s enthusiasm for the consumer industry will indirectly provide a positive for the film and television industry, and integrate with them to grow together with them.Wang Ran believes that in this sense, some unfavorable factors will just force the industry to make a faster breakthrough in the model.

At present, some companies in the industry have actually considered and practiced the possibility of film cross-border integration in many aspects.

Using the existing resources of cinemas combined with new consumption, Wang Ran thinks it is a very important topic, especially for the projection industry. In the cinema space, it can be combined with new brands, new retail, new entertainment and new catering. Reading Entertainment Jun also believes that many of the existing cinema income models actually come from selling goods and advertisements, and the future development may be in the direction of greater integration with commercial real estate and more subdivided new consumption combination.

The derivatives market is a very wide field. Among them, some manufacturers combine IP to produce new consumer products, such as POP MART and Marvel Comics, Harry Potter, Mickey’s co-branded gift box, etc. The tide play based on IP production is a proven and mature mode in IP development mode, and the new upsurge is driven by new gameplay such as IP itself and blind box. In addition to hand-playing, co-branded makeup, co-branded skin of games, and co-branded beverage packaging have all become the gameplay of movie IP derivatives, realizing the influence of movie IP in a large number of consumption scenarios.

There have also been many attempts at the real-life entertainment mode of the movie IP+ Wenlv. In this field, there are both Huayi Brothers’ film town business with light asset model and Sunac culture, a new film force with great advantages in the real estate industry.

It is not difficult to find that there are many ways to realize the cross-border integration of movie IP and new consumption scenes.So, how does the China film industry need to strengthen the cross-border prospect at this stage? Reading Entertainment Jun synthesized some opinions of this forum.

First, most forum guests emphasized the value of head IP. Indeed, whether it is Disney or the Japanese animation market, the cornerstone of cross-border is that the content itself is most widely recognized and thus forms a strong IP influence, so that the subsequent cross-border integration and industrial chain can be opened.

Second, we should jump out of self-limiting thinking. Zhang Yu, a sequoia capital china investment partner from the fashion industry to the investment circle, believes that the change of concept is very important: "Film is a very important link in the overall business planning, just like what we call traditional media, but it is not the only one." 

Third, we should attach importance to localization. China people have the cultural soil of China, so we should combine it with contemporary cultural scenes. This can be seen from the top movie themes in the box office of Chinese movies in recent years. Movies related to local cultural context often occupy the mainstream, and the China market needs localized IP cross-border forms.

Fourth, we must make long-term preparations, and both content creation and cross-border integration need to build long-term value. To form a plan, all kinds of derivative development of IP should be advanced to the content creation stage or even before. In this regard, Sun Zheyi said in the forum, "Whether it is a derivative team or a real-life team, we will focus on content development, including the choice of our theme. We like animated film products and science fiction products, because this kind of product is the easiest to be derived and made real."


Taking the IP "integration" route, Sunac culture is well prepared.

At the brand strategy conference held by Sunac Culture in May this year, Sun Zheyi said that IP building will be the core starting point of Sunac Culture:"IP is the foundation, content is the amplifier, and new consumption and new scenes are the expansion paths of commercial value."

The strategic direction of Sunac Culture coincides with the overall views of the guests in this round-table dialogue. Then, for the cross-border integration of movies, what "big name" does Sunac Culture, which focuses on the strategic positioning of "IP+ content+new consumption and new scenes", hold?

Head concentration is a major trend in China film market, and in the context of cross-border integration, head IP is also the basis of everything. Sun Zheyi also mentioned in the round-table dialogue: "Only the head IP can get through this model, and the waist IP can’t adapt to an industrial chain."

Therefore, after more than two years of hard work, Sunac Culture has established an advantageous IP content layout in both the present and the future. At present, Sunac Culture has mastered the well-known secondary IP such as Ali and Luo Xiaohei, and the films A Writer’s Odyssey and Wish Dragon have also been successful in various schedules.

What’s more worth mentioning is that the influence of these IPS is also very impressive in overseas broadcasting. The first animated work "The Battle of Luo Xiaohei", the IP "Luo Xiaohei" of Sunac Culture, landed in the Japanese market last November, creating a box office record for domestic animated films in Japan; Wish Dragon, the first animated film originally developed, produced and jointly produced by Animation, an animation studio under Sunac Culture, was launched on Netflix on June 11th. On the first weekend of its launch, it won the first place in Netflix’s North American animated film hit list, the second place in the global IP content hit list, and the first place in more than 19 countries such as the United States, Canada and France. Overseas media, including Variety The New York Times, published positive comments, and also gained 77% freshness of rotten tomatoes and 83% audience praise of popcorn index. The recently released Top10 list of Netflix movies in the 24th week of 2021, Wish Dragon once again swept the world to the top with a super high score of 5,118, and the domestic animated films made gratifying achievements in going to sea.

Not only that, Sunac Culture has reached in-depth strategic cooperation with well-known directors and producers such as Frant Gwo, Rao Xiaozhi and Chen Guohui, and at the same time, seven animation studios have been set up in the animation field. A number of animation directors, including Legend of Deification directors Cheng Teng and Li Xia, have formed a "dream team" of Sunac Animation, focusing on the development of "animation+science fiction", two fields that are most suitable for IP cross-border integration.

In addition to content layout, the long-chain operation mode of Sunac culture is bound to become another weapon to boost IP value amplification.

Based on Sunac Group’s dominant position in the real estate industry, Sunac Culture has a large number of cultural tourism hotel resources, cultural tourism cities, theme parks, Qingdao Cinema Film and Television Comprehensive Base, etc. These rich offline resources give Sunac Culture enough foundation to operate movie IP and connect fans to create a large number of new consumption scenes. According to Sun Zhe’s introduction, Sunac Culture has also increased its weight in the field of live e-commerce, locking in the characteristic track of IP live e-commerce. With Sunac Culture’s patient advance layout and long-term strategy blessing, these superior resources can provide diversified power sources for the future cross-border integration and development of movies.

Generally speaking, Sunac Culture has defined itself as an IP commercial operation company from the very beginning, and has taken the lead in the general trend. For the whole film industry, it has become a top priority to find the value amplification of film IP in the vast consumer market outside the box office revenue. In this process, Sunac culture is not only an intruder in the new film market, but also a pioneer in exploring the future of the industry.


Byd Han understands the big space.

The progress of China brand cars in recent years is obvious to all, and some excellent achievements have been made in both internal and external design and comprehensive performance. As a medium and large car, Han has many bright spots. Next, let’s take a look with Xiaobian.

First look at the appearance of Han. The front of Han’s car looks very clean and sporty. Coupled with the angular headlights, it looks quite dynamic and lively. The car is equipped with LED daytime running lights, automatic opening and closing, adaptive far and near light, delayed closing and so on. Coming to the side of the car body, the size of the car body is 4975MM*1910MM*1495MM, and the car body looks very capable with large-sized thick-walled tires, which looks full of sports. In the design of the rear of the car, the lines at the rear of the car are cold, and the taillights look very capable. Overall, they are still relatively tough.

When I came to the Han car, the interior of Han adopted a sharp shape, which made people feel very young and fashionable. The steering wheel design of this car is very dignified, and it is made of genuine leather, which gives people an impulse to control it. Let’s take a look at the central control, with a 15.6-inch central control screen, which makes the interior design quite layered and meets the aesthetic standards of most consumers. Let Xiaobian introduce the dashboard and seats. The dashboard design is remarkable and the sports atmosphere is in place. The car uses a leather/suede mix seat, which is wide and thick and has good overall comfort.

The car is equipped with car networking, driving mode selection, remote control key, Bluetooth key, NFC/RFID key, UWB digital key, indoor atmosphere light, traction control (ASR/TCS, etc.) and other configurations, and the configuration has reached the mainstream level of the same level.

The car introduced today is not only eye-catching in space, but also has reached the mainstream level in various configurations, and there is nothing to be picky about driving experience and space experience. If you like, you can pay more attention to it!


2021 Shanghai Auto Show: Starway Eta Ursae Majoris STELLAR Concept Car

  [car home New Car Launch] On April 19th, at the 2021 Shanghai Auto Show, Starway officially released a brand-new advanced concept and a brand-new new energy strategy. At the same time, the concept SUV "Eta Ursae Majoris" (English name: Stellar) based on the first new energy architecture of EXEED Star Road made its first public appearance in the world.

Home of the car

  Starway Eta Ursae Majoris is based on the first new energy architecture of EXEED Starway, and the launch of the new car indicates the technical development trend and future design direction of Starway brand. From the appearance, the new car has adopted a brand-new design language, and the overall shape is atmospheric. The penetrating headlights and dense broken-line daytime running lights are very individual.

Home of the car

  Eta Ursae Majoris’s front face still has some brand elements of Starway, such as the EXEED English LOGO on the front of the car, the through LED light group, and the front grille with a big mouth. However, as a concept car, its detailed design is more outstanding. For example, the exaggerated C-shaped LED light group on both sides has high recognition, while the lattice LED light strip is used inside the grille. Does it feel very sci-fi? This is because it is based on the first new energy architecture of Xingtu, which represents the design direction of future Xingtu new energy products. (Text/car home Li Na)


BYD Tang real car appearance map exposure 7-seat layout

Spy photos Recently, the domestic media exposed a set of pictures of a brand-new BYD Tang real car. Before that, we have exposed the interior part. The new car has been greatly upgraded both inside and outside, and it is expected to be released and listed in 2018.

If you take a spy photo of a new car, please submit it to spyphotos@bitauto.com. If it is adopted, we will provide remuneration. Everyone can be the media, looking forward to your exclusive spy photos, welcome to join the big family.

The appearance of the new car adopts the "Dragon Face" design, and the overall look is more refined. The large mouth air intake grille is very family-recognizable, and the air inlets on both sides are increased.Transverse width, giving the front impact. The headlight design of the new car is sharper. The interior of the lamp group or the matrix shape of three LEDs is adopted, and the Chinese character "Tang" LOGO is hung in the center of the net.

The "Build Your Dreams" logo was adopted at the rear of the new car for the first time, and the penetrating rear taillights also catered to the current design trend. At the ends of the taillights, symmetrical winding design is adopted, which makes the rear of the taillights look more exquisite. In terms of dimensions, the new width and height are 4870×1940×1720mm and 2820mm respectively, and the layout of 7 seats is standard. In addition, the high-profile models will also be equipped with high performance from the Brebo brand.

In the power part, the new Tang will continue to be equipped with a 2.0T plug-in hybrid system, and the system integration will exceed 368kW, and the 0-100km/h of high-profile models is expected to be shortened to 4.5 seconds. In addition, the new Tang also has a single-drive model and a pure electric version, of which the pure fuel version will be equipped with a 2.0T, 151kW.


2024 Beijing Auto Show | FAW-Volkswagen’s New Generation Magotan Prospective Detailed Explanation

With the approach of the opening of the 2024 auto show in April, many new cars that will make their debut at this auto show have begun to expose more information. As one of the key models of this year, the new generation will be officially released at the 2024 Beijing Auto Show. The new car was declared before listing in January this year. Recently, this new car has a set of latest prototype cars exposed without false spy photos. Through this set of spy photos, we can also get a glimpse of the whole new generation of Magotan. The following will bring a detailed forward-looking interpretation.

In terms of appearance, the new generation FAW-Volkswagen Magotan will still be built based on the new generation Volkswagen Passat B9 of European regulations. However, because the new generation Volkswagen Passat B9 only launched a travel version in the European market. Therefore, as a new generation of sedan, Magotan will be localized by FAW-Volkswagen in appearance design to meet the consumer demand in China market.

Judging from the previous application drawings and the latest exposure photos of the trial car, the new generation of Magotan adopts the exclusive design language of FAW-Volkswagen brand. The new car’s LED headlights are connected with the middle net, and the front face is visually cut through a belt that runs through the whole middle net and incorporates a luminous LOGO. This makes the visual focus of the front of the new generation of Magotan move down, which looks very sharp and atmospheric, thus highlighting the sense of sports and luxury. On the side of the car body, a straight waistline traverses from the front of the car to the rear of the car, creating an elegant sense of high class. In the rear part, the same penetrating LED taillight with luminous LOGO not only echoes the front design, but also enhances the recognition and fashion sense of the rear. Generally speaking, the appearance design of the new generation of Magotan is in line with the aesthetics of mid-level cars in China market in the new era. While retaining the traditional solemn and atmospheric style of Magotan, the new car keeps pace with the times to bring trendy and sporty design elements to reflect the sense of fashion.

In the interior part, judging from the photos of the new generation of Magotan prototype car, the new car adopts a similar intelligent cockpit design, and the center console will shift towards the driver’s seat, thus creating an environment-friendly cockpit atmosphere. At the same time, the new car is also equipped with a 10.25-inch full LCD instrument screen+a 15-inch floating central control screen+a passenger entertainment screen, thus becoming the first Volkswagen model equipped with three screens.

In other details, the new generation of Magotan will adopt electronic shift design and return to using physical buttons. In the central control area, the air conditioning control panel of the new car is still touch-controlled, and equipped with the wireless charging function of the front mobile phone. These designs and configurations are the same as those of the new Passat B9 of European regulations. In the car part, the new car will be built on the basis of the ID. OS 2.0 car intelligent system carried by ID.7Vizzion. It also supports mainstream functions such as AI intelligent voice, Apple Carplay, Baidu Carlife mobile phone interconnection function, car KTV, third-party APP ecology, car networking and OTA upgrade. In addition, the new car is equipped with interior atmosphere lights, digital keys and other configurations, and the AR-HUD head-up display system can be selected.

In terms of dimensions, the body circumference of the new generation Magotan, which is still based on audi ag MQB EVO platform, is 4990/1854/1487mm and the wheelbase is 2871mm. Compared with the previous generation, the wheelbase of the new generation Magotan remains unchanged, and the length, width and height of the car have all increased.

In the power part, the new generation of Magotan 330TSI models will be equipped with EA888 series 2.0T low-power engine; The 380TSI model continues to be equipped with the EA888 evo series 2.0T high-power engine, with a maximum power output of 162kW, matching the 7-speed DSG wet powershift. In addition, if the new car continues to launch the 280TSI model, it is expected to be equipped with the latest 1.5TSI evo engine.

Comments:Although new energy vehicles are gaining momentum in China auto market at present, fuel cars are still the absolute protagonists in the relatively traditional and conservative mid-size car market. According to the data, among the top ten models in China’s mid-size car market in 2023, GAC, SAIC Volkswagen, FAW-Volkswagen Magotan and GAC Honda Accord ranked in the top four, still occupying the dominant position in sales. Among them, the cumulative sales volume of FAW-Volkswagen Magotan in 2023 was 189,400 units, reaching the sales level of only 16,000 units per month, which is really good. In 2024, with the launch of a new generation of vehicles, the product strength of FAW-Volkswagen Magotan will be fully evolved from the outside to the inside, which will undoubtedly boost its sales in by going up one flight of stairs.


BYD Qin pro is China Tesla? These points tell you why you bought Qin pro.

I believe that my friends are still wanting more, and a brand-new energy source is coming out again-PRO. He has made great achievements in the field of new energy and never let consumers down. What kind of car is Qin pro, known as the "China"? Can it be accepted by the times? Let Xiaobian open your eyes today!

Designer’s operation

Since the former design director Iger was hired, our products have finally got rid of rusticity in design style, and have been well received by consumers in the market. Qin pro was designed by former designer Iger himself.

Iger graduated from the International Academy of Arts and Sciences in Milan, Italy, majoring in design. He is a favorite pupil of the famous design teacher Silva. He has created countless magic cars such as A3, Q7, TT and R8. This time, I believe it will make our eyes shine.

China ""

Pro adopts the latest "Dragon Face" design language, and the large-mouth air intake grille with "dragon beard" headlights adds a new atmosphere and a sense of movement. The design is relatively simple, and the overall line looks euphemistic. Together with the through taillight line, it is calm, neat and generous.

In the overall appearance, it is not inferior, not lost at all, so it enjoys a good reputation-China.

Pro upgrade is more spacious

In terms of size, it is longer, wider, taller and bigger. With a super spacious suitcase, no matter what shape people are, there is no need to worry about the crowded space inside the car. No matter how many things you have, you don’t have to worry about not letting go. It’s just so capricious.

Strong momentum is ready to go.

It is understood that Qin pro has released two versions of pure electric version and plug-in hybrid version, which are consistent in appearance. The plug-in hybrid version of Qin pro is equipped with a 120 motor (up to 150KM/h) and a 1.5L naturally aspirated or 1.5T (up to 200KM/h) in terms of power. The acceleration of a hundred miles takes only 5.9 seconds and the spike is 7.09 seconds.

In terms of power, it has been widely praised by major consumers, and it has received rave reviews on the websites of major cars. Can pro compare with it?

Stay tuned for actual battery life.

I believe that friends who love cars will care about the performance of new energy vehicles in battery life. From what has been released, we can know that its battery life is 80-100KM, so what kind of battery life will pro have? Still to be known! However, Xiao Bian believes that my brother is quite good, and the younger brother is definitely not bad. The actual battery life should exceed 100KM.

Summary: The back waves of the Yangtze River push the front waves, and Qin pro will do its part.

Qin used to do a good job in power, space and configuration, but the appearance has always been complained about this PRO upgrade, which has filled this short board. Therefore, as long as the price of Qin PRO is reasonable in the future, it is a high probability event that the monthly sales volume exceeds Qin. However, in the current system and intelligent acceleration, PRO should be able to add many technologies to surprise consumers, which is worth looking forward to.

I believe that in the future, we will go further and further, do better and better in the brand, and make products that are satisfactory to the people and suitable for the people of China.