

Map navigation has the truth, Baidu or Autonavi, which is more reliable?

  In this era of Internet +, navigation apps have become a must-have software for drivers, and friends who drive frequently rely more on navigation software. Usually, each car owner has his own navigation app, but what are the differences between different navigation software? With the help of a team-building activity, Sohu Automotive Truth Lab colleagues decided to complete a navigation software comparison test. This navigation test uses two mainstream navigation software: Autonavi Map and Baidu Map, hoping that the test can give friends who drive frequently some reference value.

  The team-building activity started from Sohu Media Building, and the destination was Beijing Yulin Tangquan Farm. Our two editors each drove a car, planned the route with two navigation software, Autonavi Map and Baidu Map, and followed the route planned by the two navigation. Not only to see who arrives first, but also to experience the intelligent and humanized navigation during the driving process.

  navigationfunctionComparison: Whether it is comprehensive, fine, and intelligent, whose navigation function is more innovative and intelligent;

  MapdataComparison: whether it is accurate, real-time, and rich, whose positioning is more accurate, and whose route planning is more time-saving, should be changed in a timely manner to reach the destination faster.

  userexperienceComparison: Whether it is professional, easy to use, and entertaining, whose navigation tips are more intuitive, easier to understand, and more user-friendly.

  Route planning varies

  Get on the bus at 13:39 noon. First set the route, and after setting the destination, the two navigators give their own recommended routes:

  Baidu’s recommended route is: Beijing-Tibet Expressway – Beijing Sixth Ring Expressway – Shunsha Road, 39.5 kilometers, 40 minutes

  Autonavi’s recommended route is: Fourth Ring Road – Jingcheng Expressway – North Sixth Ring Road, expected to be 39.4 kilometers and take 44 minutes

  The navigation interface displays information that needs to be more user-friendly

  After everything was ready, we started our journey, and the two cars departed simultaneously at 13:41. At first, both cars were driving on the North Fourth Ring Road, but the two navigation interfaces were different.

  Baidu Maps uses dual-screen navigation, and the interface display is rich in information. There is always a translucent full-process thumbnail in the lower right corner to help car owners understand their location and future road conditions, and display information on key intersections and nodes. The navigation interface of Autonavi Maps also prompts the camera location and vehicle speed limit.

  Alternative routes prompt timely most critical

  When a vehicle using Baidu Maps is driving on the Beijing-Tibet Expressway, an intelligent multi-route prompt appears in the navigation, and the time difference between taking the alternative route can be seen on the interface. Thanks to the dual-screen navigation, drivers can intuitively see the road conditions of the current driving section and the alternative route on the translucent full map, and include real-time road conditions (whether it is congested or not). Autonavi maps adhere to the initial setting of the route.

  Enlarged view of the intersectionClear error avoidance

  Before the road change, both navigators showed a user-friendly enlarged view of the intersection. We took a screenshot of the real enlarged view of the two navigators at the complex intersection for comparison.

  Baidu Map popped up an enlarged view of the real scene 500 meters away from the exit of Beichen West Road. This exit is a double exit, and the arrow indication is very clear. The simulated enlarged map is very fine, and the road signs and corresponding indication information are clear at a glance. Autonavi Map also popped up an enlarged view of the real scene at a distance of 246 meters from Wanghe Bridge. Entering Wanghe Bridge is an uphill intersection, and there are many roads around, and the arrow indication is also very clear.

  In terms of intersection prompts, the prompt time of the two navigation models and the clarity of the real scene enlargement are all well-represented.

  Destination positioning accuracy

  Under the guidance of Baidu’s map, the Baidu team arrived at the destination at 14:22. Before arriving at the destination, a panorama of the destination of Beijing Yulin Tangquan Farm appeared on the navigation interface, showing the destination in real life, which was clearer and more intuitive. The total journey was 39 kilometers and a total of 41 minutes. It was basically the same as the estimated situation. The destination was accurate and the road conditions were smooth.

  There seems to be some deviation in the POI positioning of Autonavi map navigation. At 14:24, the vehicle arrived at the special dish Daguan Garden next to the destination Yulin Tangquan Farm in Beijing.


  We checked the description of the destination location in the two navigation models respectively, and found that the destination location on Baidu map was displayed as within the West District of Xiaotangshan National Agricultural Park, and the destination location on Autonavi map was displayed as Mafang, Xiaotangshan Town.

  After replanning the route, it was found that there was a 6.6-kilometer difference between the special dish Daguan Garden and Beijing Yulin Tangquan Farm.

  After repositioning, the Autonavi team departed from the special dish Daguan Garden and went to the destination Beijing Yulin Tangquan Farm. In the end, the Autonavi team arrived at the correct destination at 14:42, with a total journey of 45.2 kilometers and a total of 61 minutes. The Autonavi team arrived at the destination 20 minutes later than the Baidu team.


  1.POI positioning: Baidu map’s positioning of "Beijing Yulin Tangquan Farm" is accurate, and the navigation is successfully completed; Autonavi map has a small deviation in POI positioning. In the destination location, the specific location of "Beijing Yulin Tangquan Farm" is displayed as "Xiaotangshan Town Mafang", and the real location is "Xiaotangshan National Agricultural Park West Zone".

  2.Route planningThe route planned by Baidu Map did not encounter congestion and the road conditions were good; the route planned by Autonavi Map traveled slowly on the Fourth Ring Road, and adhered to the established route.

  3.navigation interfaceBaidu Maps uses dual-screen navigation, drivers can see the current driving section and remaining routes, and can also understand the real-time road conditions of multiple routes through the route color. At the same time, the top of the navigation page displays "Remaining kilometers, estimated arrival time, current time", which is very intuitive; the navigation interface of Autonavi Maps is clear, and drivers can also understand the current driving section and remaining routes through the main page and the progress bar on the right. However, if you want to know the full route and the specific location of the vehicle in the entire route during the navigation process, you need to touch the screen and manually click the "Full View" button on the page.

  4.destination hint: Before arriving at the destination, Baidu map displays the destination panorama in advance to help the driver determine whether the destination is correct. This function is more user-friendly; Autonavi map does not display the destination panorama, but recommends the parking lot around the destination in advance. What needs to be improved is: when the driver arrives at the destination, the parking lot For You feed surface disappears instead.

  The next afternoon, the team-building activity was over, and the editorial team went back. Due to the failure of an editor’s vehicle, everyone rode in the same car. We took this opportunity to decide to do another test of two bicycles: while driving, we opened the two navigation models of Autonavi map and Baidu map at the same time, to see which of the two navigation functions is more comprehensive and has a better experience in the same route. Considering the convenience of transportation, the return route is Beijing Yulin Tangquan Farm – Sanyuanqiao Phoenix Hui Shopping Center.

  Route planningWhich navigation is more accurate for predicting the number of journeys and time?

  traffic forecastWhich one is faster for real-time traffic updates and which one is better for avoiding congestion?

  Route recommendations in navigationCompare whether the two navigation software recommend a better route based on real-time road conditions during vehicle driving

  Enlarged view of the intersectionCompare the two navigation at the high-speed entrance and exit, the entrance and exit of the main road in the urban area, and other road sections. Which navigation intersection is more intuitive and easy to understand?

  The route plan is the same

  After getting on the bus, open the two navigation software respectively. Take a screenshot of the Autonavi map page at 14:56 pm, and take a screenshot of the Baidu map page at 14:58 pm. The route planning given by the two navigations is basically the same.

  The accuracy of vehicle positioning at the outset

  Usually, the driver starts the vehicle after opening the navigation software, and the positioning of the vehicle by this instant navigation determines the route planning at the beginning. We also compare to see if the two navigation software can accurately locate the front of the vehicle when the vehicle starts.

  At 15 o’clock, the vehicle started, and Autonavi prompted to turn around, but Baidu map did not prompt to turn around. We tried to go straight for a while and found that Autonavi map quickly corrected the navigation prompt and also reminded us to go straight. This shows that Autonavi map has blurred the direction of the front of the car when starting.

  The enlarged picture of the intersection shows the full real picture.

  When the vehicle needs to change lanes, both navigation models present an enlarged view of the intersection in advance. We took an enlarged view of the two navigation models appearing at a complex intersection for comparison.

  At 15:05, before entering Baishan Bridge, the Autonavi map had a real-life simulation enlarged image, but there was no enlarged image on Baidu map at this time.

  At 15:35, when we were about to arrive at the Jingcheng Expressway exit, Baidu Maps presented an enlarged map of the whole real scene 500 meters in advance. We noticed that the enlarged map of the intersection here is a full real scene, which greatly improves the recognition, which is a unique function of Baidu Maps.

  Solutions for sudden road conditions during driving

  During the journey of the vehicle, the original route ahead may experience congestion caused by sudden accidents and increase in traffic flow. At this time, the original route is no longer the best route, and the driver needs to re-plan the driving route. In the face of sudden road conditions, whether the two navigation software can plan new routes in time has important reference value for the driving time of morning and evening peak driving in cities.

  On the way back, at 15:24, Baidu Map predicted congestion ahead. To avoid congestion, the navigation suggested that the driver switch to a faster route, and the intelligent multi-route recommendation function ensured that the driver was always on the fastest road. Considering the time issue, we directly switched to the new route.

  The Autonavi map did not respond at this time, insisting that drivers take the original route of congestion.

  destination accuracy

  Before arriving at the destination, the destination panorama appeared again on Baidu map, which was conducive to the accuracy of the driver’s identification of the destination. Autonavi map showed the parking lot information in advance at 15:47, but the driver’s actual arrival time was 15:50, and the parking lot information was hidden when arriving at the destination.

  At 15:50, the Autonavi map ended the navigation on the outer road of the Fenghuanghui shopping center in advance, while Baidu map led the driver to the main entrance of the Fenghuanghui shopping center before ending the navigation. Judging from the navigation time of the two, the Autonavi map is expected to be 48 minutes, and the actual driving time is 48 minutes. Since we switched to the traffic avoidance route recommended by Baidu map halfway through, the driving time of Autonavi cannot be compared with the estimated time; Baidu map is expected to be 53 minutes, and the actual driving time is 49 minutes. The traffic avoidance route is recommended on the way to help the driver arrive at the destination 4 minutes earlier.

  1. Route planning: When the vehicle encounters congestion during driving, the Autonavi map adheres to the original planned route, and when approaching the destination, the Autonavi map has completed the navigation; Baidu map recommends a new congestion avoidance route after predicting congestion on the original planned route. It is expected to take 52 minutes, and the actual navigation takes 49 minutes. It arrives at the destination in advance, and the navigation ends after the driver arrives at the entrance of the Phoenix Mall.

  2. Avoiding congestion: Both predict congestion in advance, and mark congested sections by color, and can push new congestion avoidance routes based on congestion conditions. Only on the implementation of the new route, there is a certain difference in the reaction speed of the parties.

  3. Enlarged map of intersections: Autonavi maps and Baidu maps have real-life enlarged maps at most main roads and highway entrances and exits, but Baidu maps provide full-life enlarged maps of intersections in some places, making them clearer and easier to identify.

  4. Destination Tips: Autonavi maps recommend parking lots for drivers before arriving at the destination, and Baidu maps present a panorama of the destination before arriving at the destination.

  Although each has its own advantages and disadvantages, from the test results, Baidu Maps is better at destination positioning, avoiding congestion and route planning, especially in unfamiliar unfamiliar road sections, more like an old driver who is well versed in road conditions. Autonavi Maps also has stable and comprehensive comprehensive navigation services, and there is still some room for improvement in humanization. Here, it is also recommended that car owners run in a lot with navigation apps with different "personalities" when traveling by car to find the best partner for self-driving travel.


Geely Galaxy L6 officially announced on September 16: four models, pre-sale price 128,000 yuan – 158,000 yuan

On September 11, Geely Galaxy New Energy announced through the official Weibo this afternoon that the brand’s first sedan, Geely Galaxy L6, will be officially launched in Shanghai on September 16.

The car was unveiled at the Chengdu Auto Show and pre-sold simultaneously.The new car offers four models: 60km AIR, 60km PLUS, 125km MAX, and 125km Starship, with a pre-sale price range of 128,000 yuan – 158,000 yuanReferring to the current pricing strategies of most new cars, it is expected that the official price of the Galaxy L6 will be slightly lower than the pre-sale price.

In terms of appearance, the Galaxy L6 will provide 5 body color schemes, namely colorful white, mountain blue, night purple, morning white, dawn gray, the official said that these color schemes are inspired by twelve hours. In addition, the car length, width and height are 4782/1875/1489mm, and the wheelbase is 2752mm.

Picture 1

Picture 1

The new car is equipped with a "new generation of AI intelligent cockpit", which can realize the full scene "visible and talk" and support global OTA updates. In addition, it is equipped with 256-color firefly rhythmic ambient lights/"lark" light show/LED welcome light blanket.


Picture 1

In terms of power, the car is equipped with a new generation of Raytheon Electric Hybrid 8848 power system, matched with a 1.5T hybrid dedicated engine + 3-speed variable frequency electric drive DHT Pro, with a maximum of 125km pure electric battery life/1370km comprehensive battery life, and a 100-kilometer power loss fuel consumption of 4.55L.

IT Home attaches the configuration information of different models as follows:


Geely Galaxy’s first pure electric sedan Galaxy E8 is listed, priced from 175,800 yuan

Beijing News Shell Financial News (Reporter Zhang Bing) On the evening of January 5, Geely Galaxy’s first pure electric car Galaxy E8 was listed, with a total of 5 versions launched, priced at 175,800 yuan – 228,800 yuan.

Geely Galaxy E8. Picture/Enterprise official website

Geely Automobile Group CEO Gan Jiayue introduced that the Galaxy E8 is equipped with Geely’s self-developed "Aegis Battery Safety System", providing three battery life versions of 550 kilometers, 620 kilometers and 665 kilometers.

Gan Jiayue said that losing common sense to build a car will not succeed, and losing long-term doctrine to build a car is unsustainable. Only by following the underlying laws of car building is the inevitable way for the long-term success of China’s new energy vehicles.

Editor, Song Yuting

Proofreading, Yanjun Zhang


14.8-18.8 million yuan, Geely Xingyue L opened the global pre-sale.

Today, we learned from the official of Geely Automobile that its new SUV Xingyue L will be pre-sold globally in the official applet and officially listed in July.

It is reported that the pre-sale price of Xingyue L is 148,000-188,000 yuan. With the publicity of the pre-sale price, Geely has also launched a number of exclusive rights for pre-sale: 520 yuan deposit is 2,000 yuan; Buy a car at the pre-sale price, and retreat more and make up less after listing; 2-year 7.8% discount value-added repurchase; Up to 7000 yuan replacement subsidy; 36 zero-interest financial subsidies; 20% discount on Cuiyu Magic Color Suit; Blind subscription users also enjoy pre-sale rights.

Xingyue L is the third model based on CMA platform after Xingyue and Xingrui. In the world’s first test a few days ago, Xingyue L competed with German and Japanese benchmark SUV models on the same stage. In addition, the comprehensive mechanical quality of Xingyue L is ahead of SUVs such as Volkswagen Tiguan L, Honda CR-V, Toyota RAV4 and Rongfang.

From the overall appearance, the body line of Xingyue L is hard-line, which is a conventional urban SUV style: it adopts a straight waterfall air intake grille with matrix headlights on both sides, giving people a tall and tough visual experience. Xingyue L has a body length of 4770mm, a width of 1895mm, a height of 1689mm and a wheelbase of 2845mm, and the body size exceeds the level of the joint venture brand SUV at the same level.

In terms of interior, Xingyue L pays more attention to the oriental aesthetic design: in the design of continuing the three-spoke multifunctional flat-bottomed steering wheel and airplane-style gear handle, a triple screen layout consisting of a liquid crystal dashboard, a central control screen and a co-pilot screen is added in the central control area.

In terms of security, CMA architecture gives Xingyue L the top security gene. Xingyue L hardware is world-leading and meets the global five-star safety standards in China, Europe and America.

In terms of health, Xingyue L advocates building an all-round healthy car. The car is equipped with CN95 air conditioning filter +AQS air purification, PM2.5 monitoring and protection, fresh air system and G-clean scene mode.

Intellectually, Xingyue L also performed well. Its CMA intelligent evolvable electronic and electrical architecture is twice as fast as the mainstream cars in the market, and its data transmission rate is 200 times faster than the world-class architecture. In addition, Xingyue L is equipped with the strongest Qualcomm Snapdragon 8155 chip, which supports 5G high-speed network and drives multiple screens with one core.

In terms of power, Xingyue L adopts Borgwarner’s latest generation of four-wheel drive technology in the world: the 6th generation Haldex. The whole system is equipped with Drive-E 2.0TD high-performance powertrain with a maximum power of 175kW. At the same time, Xingyue L achieved a big dimension increase in four-wheel drive performance, and its response speed increased by 16.7%.


The pre-sale price is 199,800, aiming at the polar krypton 007, and the polar fox Alpha S5 will also lift the table.

On April 22nd, BAIC Polar Fox held a pre-sale conference of its Alfa S5 model. At the press conference, BAIC Polar Fox launched two models, namely Alfa S5 708 MAX and Alfa S5 650 ULTRA, with pre-sale prices of 199,800 yuan and 219,800 yuan respectively. It is reported that the new car adopts a series of the strongest black technologies of Beiqi Polar Fox, which not only has a drag coefficient as low as 0.1925Cd, but also comes standard with an 800V high-voltage platform.

With the official opening of the pre-sale of Extreme Fox Alpha S5, Extreme Fox has also provided a wealth of car booking rights for scheduled car owners. Two of the models enjoy a cash interest of 25,000 yuan, and the rights and interests of Alfa S5 708 MAX and Alfa S5 650 ULTRA are 174,800 yuan and 194,800 yuan respectively. In addition, users who order the Alfa S5 708 MAX version before 24: 00 on June 30, 2024 can also enjoy the optional rights worth up to 19,000 yuan; Users who purchase the Alfa S5 650 ULTRA model can also enjoy the optional rights worth 11,000 yuan. In addition, Extreme Fox Alpha S5 also provides a variety of zero down payment, low down payment and low interest financial solutions, as well as basic rights and interests such as lifetime free three-electricity warranty, five-year 120,000-kilometer vehicle warranty, free gift and installation of charging piles, and three-year unlimited free traffic.

More "silent" car design

As a brand-new masterpiece of the brand-new sports coupe style of Polar Fox, the pre-sale Alpha S5 of Polar Fox has a length, width and height of 4820mm *1930mm *1480mm respectively and a wheelbase of 2900mm. The whole vehicle is positioned as a B-class medium-sized car, and its shape is smoother and more agile than the previous models of Extreme Fox, and it also has a sports technology model.

Externally, the polar fox Alpha S5 adopts a brand-new design language of "wind-plastic aesthetics", and the whole body line has undergone meticulous and dense design and complicated wind tunnel test, which makes it have an ultra-low drag coefficient of 0.1925Cd. Such a low drag coefficient not only shows the extreme pursuit of design aesthetics by Extreme Fox Alfa S5, but also is more conducive to the positioning of its pure electric vehicles.

The front face design of the new car is sharp, and the wind-blade headlights composed of 400 LED light sources are full of recognition after lighting. At the same time, it also has the effect of intelligent light language, which is full of science and technology. The side of the Extreme Fox Alpha S5 has a sleek line design, which makes the whole car dynamic. The rear of the car is equipped with a multi-dimensional ultra-red taillight, which not only improves the safety by 40%, but also can identify the identity of Alfa S5 even if it is far away in the middle of the night. In addition, the area of the intelligent active lifting tail at the rear can reach 3430 cm after deployment, which not only makes the whole vehicle feel full of fighting, but also reflects the "rustling" to the fullest.

Sitting in the car, the interior of the Extreme Fox Alfa S5 is obviously in line with the new power car companies, and the overall design is simple and scientific, while not losing the solid materials used by traditional car companies. In many places, the new car uses the Microcloud fiber velvet high-grade leather of Mercedes-Benz EQ, which is not only silky to the touch, but also more environmentally friendly. It is worth noting that the polar fox Alpha S5 is equipped with a panoramic dome with industry-leading thermal insulation effect, with a total coverage area of 5.2㎡, a light transmission area of 4.5㎡ and a light transmission ratio of 78.7%, which greatly improves the transparency of the whole vehicle.

In the interior configuration, the Extreme Fox Alpha S5 has also achieved the leading level at the same price. It is not only equipped with a 68-inch large AR-HUD, a large intelligent central control panel and a 7.1-channel 15-speaker surround sound stage system, which provides users with more wonderful audio and video enjoyment. In addition, for the first time, Polar Fox was equipped with the intelligent cockpit system of Polar Fox Lingzhi OS. Based on this set of advanced software and hardware, the polar fox Alpha S5 cockpit can be transformed into KTV, game room and "Four Seasons Garden" in seconds, greatly improving the car experience of drivers and passengers.

More "trench" inner strength.

As a pure electric car focusing on sports attributes, the Extreme Fox Alpha S5 is not only "quiet" in external design, but also very capable in internal strength.

On the power level, the new car is equipped with a synchronous+asynchronous dual-motor combination, with a total power of 390kW and a total torque of 690 N m, and the zero acceleration only takes 3.7s s. Not only is the acceleration fast enough, but the polar fox Alpha S5 brakes steadily enough. Thanks to the aluminum four-piston brake calipers, the new car only needs 33.5m for 100-degree braking. At the same time, due to the steering system with large transmission ratio, the directivity of Alfa S5 is very accurate, providing drivers with precise control over where to hit.

In order to perfectly reflect the excellent performance of the Extreme Fox Alfa S5, at the press conference, Alfa S5 officially announced the release of the "Tunnel Crossing Challenge" blockbuster, which took the lead in paying tribute to Mercedes-Benz and Schumacher in the name of pure electric cars. In the video, Echo Gao, a well-known racing driver, drove the Alfa S5, rushed into a tunnel with a diameter of 10.2 meters within a limited 320 meters, and found the right angle to use the built ramp to rush into the tunnel wall, completing a 360-degree flip, and finally drifting on the subsequent mountain road. The overall action is done in one go, which shows that the extreme fox Alpha S5 is extraordinary in power attributes.

As a pure electric car, the Extreme Fox Alfa S5 adopts Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited’s Shenxing rechargeable battery, with a battery capacity of 79.2kWh, and the longest cruising range can reach 708km under CLTC comprehensive working conditions. At the same time, the Extreme Fox Alpha S5 comes standard with 800V high-voltage platform, which can charge 380km in just 15 minutes, greatly reducing the mileage and anxiety of users.

In the face of the full pre-sale of the Extreme Fox Alpha S5, the model that directly competes with it will definitely be the Extreme Krypton 007. The two cars are basically the same size, both belong to B-class cars, and both come standard with 800V high-voltage platforms. On the power level, both cars belong to the 3-second club. The difference lies in that the Krypton 007 has a larger power battery and the intelligent driving model has a laser radar, which makes the intelligent driving level more redundant. However, after all, the Extreme Fox Alpha S5 has an advantage in price. Compared with the Extreme Krypton 007, which started at 209,900 yuan, the price of the Alpha S5 after rights and interests is about 35,000 yuan lower. Excluding the added value of the brand, the Extreme Fox Alpha S5 even has an advantage in comfort configuration, and its cost performance is better than that of the Extreme Krypton 007 to some extent.

From April 11th, Polar Fox Automobile released the "New Darwin 2.0 Technology System" in Beijing to April 22nd, Polar Fox Alfa S5 opened for pre-sale. The pace of Beiqi Polar Fox in new energy electric technology has obviously accelerated. Its seven technical fields, such as polar shield safety, extremely clean health, polar front power, aurora battery, extremely enjoyable cockpit, elegant chassis and intelligent intelligence, have been installed in Alfa S5 in one breath, which fully shows the rich background and innovative spirit of Polar Fox relying on old car companies, and also indicates the importance that Polar Fox attaches to Alfa S5 models. The Beijing Auto Show is just around the corner, and the Extreme Fox Alpha S5 will officially meet the general audience at the auto show. At that time, it is believed that the Extreme Fox Alpha S5 will become the most dazzling star model of the Extreme Fox booth, bringing new breakthroughs in sales for the Extreme Fox.


Interior texture improvement 2021 BYD Tang officially unveiled.

  [car home New Car Launch] On July 21st, BYD officially released the 2021 model (|), which is also the mid-term redesigned model of this generation of Tang. The appearance of the new car has been mainly adjusted in details, and the interior has adopted a brand-new design, which not only has a strong Chinese style, but also has a more prominent sense of luxury. It is reported that the 2021 Tang (fuel version and DM) will be pre-sold at Chengdu Auto Show on July 24, and the EV model will be later.

Home of the car

Home of the car

Home of the car

  The 2021 Tang continues the family-style design language of the current model Dragon Face. In other appearance details, the blackened C-pillar and double waistline make the side visual movement three-dimensional, and at the same time, the new car has also added a new rim style. The official said that the double five-spoke rim, such as the "dragon claw" hole, is powerful and the impression of Longteng goes deep into the overall design.

Home of the car

  The interior of the new car was designed by Michele Paganetti, the former interior design director of Mercedes-Benz and now the global interior design director of BYD. It is similar to BYD’s Han style and inherits the design style of BYD’s new generation dynasty series. The new car uses black and brown color matching and exquisite interior materials to enhance the inner luxury. It is reported that the instrument panel and door panel of the driver’s seat of the car are made of microfiber high-grade suede fabric and leather 12-way electric adjustable seats. The seats are made of digital punching and line pressing technology, 2mm stitching and gold edging to create a pattern similar to dragon scales.

Home of the car

  The new car adopts a two-color multi-function steering wheel, and the LOGO of "DiPilot" (Intelligent Driver Assistance System) is added at the bottom. The dragon claw mark digital panel combined with the 31-color interactive intelligent cockpit atmosphere lamp with the dragon beard light belt below provides a rich driving environment for the car. The atmosphere lamp can automatically adjust its color with the change of driving mode, air conditioning temperature and PM2.5 air quality, creating a new human-computer interactive experience.

Home of the car

Home of the car

  The central control screen of the new car is a 15.6-inch rotatable screen, and the screen border becomes narrower and more exquisite. The built-in DiLink 3.0 intelligent network connection system adopts a new UI design. The gear shifting mechanism is changed to a smaller gear handle -BYD Heart Dragon Engine Heart, and the gear shifting mechanism is surrounded by touch buttons such as driving mode and kinetic energy recovery adjustment.

Home of the car

Home of the car

  The Tang DM plug-in hybrid model will add the optional trailer with the word "4.3S", which indicates that the Tang DM model will add a new power version model and its acceleration performance will be improved. However, the official did not announce the power of the new Tang DM, only revealed that it would be optimized for the motor, and we will continue to pay attention.

● Model history

BYD BYD S6 2014 2.0L manual luxury 5-seat


  Speaking of Tang’s past, we should first mention BYD S6, the first SUV that BYD put on the market in September 2010. As many people know, this car draws on the appearance of Lexus RX in terms of design, and with a minimum price of less than 90,000, this car has won the favor of many consumers and has become the best-selling SUV in China for some time.

BYD BYD S7 2017 2.0T Automatic Flagship

"BYD S7" 

  With the continuous development of the domestic SUV market, more and more China brands put heavy models in the SUV market. In contrast, S6 products with strong "RX flavor" will be weaker. In 2014, on the basis of S6, BYD launched the BYD S7 by updating the design, increasing the configuration, increasing the body and changing the power of 2.0T, further enhancing its competitiveness in the SUV market.

BYD Tang New Energy 2015 2.0T four-wheel drive distinguished model

"the first generation of Tang" 

  In June 2015, BYD brought its hybrid model, Tang, for the first time. You can think that this car is a product developed on the basis of BYD S7. This car is the first China brand electric four-wheel drive model to be listed. It is also from this car that BYD’s concept of "542" has been deeply rooted in people’s hearts, that is, the acceleration time of the vehicle at 0-100km/h is less than 5s, equipped with a four-wheel drive system, and the fuel consumption per 100 km is less than 2L, which can be said to be a leading concept at that time.

BYD Tang New Energy 2019 DM 2.0T Full-time Four-wheel Drive Zhilian Creative 6-seat Country VI

"the second generation of Tang dynasty"

  Time came to June 2018, BYD Tang began to change. It can be said that the second generation of Tang started its explosion road. It has a personalized design, in-place configuration and excellent acceleration performance, and its performance is quite comprehensive, which soon attracted everyone’s attention. The market performance has always been very good.

  Along the way, this car’s update action is very fast, and it can bring enough surprises every time, which is also a microcosm of the rapid development of China brand in the past ten years.

● Competing models

"Tiguan L plug-in hybrid version; Li ONE』 "

  From the perspective of Tang DM alone, there are more and more plug-in hybrid medium-sized SUVs with the same price, and most of them are overseas brands, such as the Tiguan L plug-in hybrid version of SAIC Volkswagen and the commander PHEV of GAC Fick Jeep. From the perspective of configuration and performance, Tang DM actually has obvious advantages in competitiveness compared with its competitors, and the slight disadvantage should be in brand power. In addition, Li ONE, which is positioned as a medium and large SUV, can be bought at the same price. It also uses plug-in hybrid power, and its recent market performance is also good. For Tang DM, the threat posed by Li ONE cannot be ignored.

● Full text summary

Home of the car

  Recently, BYD has released many new products. BYD Han and the brand-new SUV Song PLUS let everyone see that BYD is playing better and better in design. Of course, as the flagship of BYD dynasty series, it is also the main scorer of market sales. The manufacturer did not forget Tang and immediately put on new clothes. Although the 2021 Tang with little change in face is not as eye-catching as the two brand-new products mentioned above, the brand-new interior design style still makes everyone feel full of sincerity. The pre-sale price of 2021 Tang will be announced at the Chengdu Auto Show, which opens on July 24th. Let’s look forward to whether this new car will bring you more surprises. (Text/car home Wang Ziping)


BYD Tang Series Glory Edition and Ares Edition are listed: the price is lowered and the configuration is upgraded.

On April 22nd, Tang EV Glory Edition, Tang DM-p Glory Edition and 2024 Tang DM-p Edition were officially released. The official price range of the new car is 219,800-269,800 yuan, which is 30,000-40,000 yuan lower than the price of the old model. These models remain unchanged in appearance and interior, but have been upgraded in intelligent cockpit and power system.

The 2024 Tang EV Glory Edition, the Tang DM-p Glory Edition and the 2024 Tang DM-p Ares Edition all upgraded the high-end version of the intelligent cockpit-100, and came standard with the Yunqi -C intelligent damping body control system. DiLink 100 car is equipped with D100(6 nm) 5G chip, and the system UI has been completely redesigned, which supports 3D car control, ONE ID account system, nap mode, romantic mode and other functions. The new car also provides 10-point seat massage, 50W wireless charging, intelligent fragrance system, touch indoor lights and other configurations.

In terms of power, Tang EV Glory Edition provides single motor and power, with the maximum power of 168kW/180kW and 380kW respectively, the peak values of 350N·m and 700N·m respectively, and the cruising range under comprehensive working conditions is 600-730km. Tang DM-p Glory Edition and 2024 Tang DM-p Ares Edition are equipped with a 1.5T plug-in hybrid system, equipped with front and rear dual motors, with a maximum power of 160+200kW, a peak torque of 325+350 N m, an acceleration time of 4.3 seconds per 100 kilometers, and a fuel consumption of 6.5L under comprehensive working conditions.

The new models of the series are not only reduced in price, but also significantly upgraded in intelligent cockpit and power system, providing consumers with more cost-effective choices.


The new BYD Qin PLUS official map will be released at the Guangzhou Auto Show.

A few days ago, the official map of Qin PLUS was released, and the new car was positioned as an A+ class compact car, which will be launched at the Guangzhou Auto Show, which will open on November 20th. Qin PLUS is built on the latest DM-i platform, and its appearance will follow the classic "Dragon Face" design language, and it will be the first to be equipped with Xiaoyun hybrid 1.5L engine.

Appearance: Qin PLUS still adopts the family-style design language of "DragonFace" for the front face, and on this basis, a new one is added, with a larger mesh, and the interior is similar to "Dragon Armor". In addition, the headlights are connected by wide decorative strips, and the Chinese character LOGO of "Qin" is printed on it, which is very design-oriented. The design of the slip-back body on the side of the car body adopts the undulating line decoration, and with a number of spoke aluminum alloy wheels, it creates a good sporty atmosphere. At the rear, the popular penetrating LED taillights are used, and the internal design of the main light sources on both sides is also complicated. A row of English letters are added above the taillights to enrich the layering of the rear.

Power: Qin PLUS is equipped with a hybrid system consisting of a 1.5L naturally aspirated engine and an electric motor. Officials say that the thermal efficiency of this 1.5L engine can reach 43%, and it also has technologies such as Atkinson cycle, high compression ratio of 15.5, EGR exhaust gas recirculation system and split cooling. Without electric drive, the fuel consumption of the engine is 3.8L/100km.


The number of topics played has exceeded 100 million! "Civilized Yuncheng, Civilized You and Me" vibrato short video contest is waiting for you to participate.

Yellow River News Network Yuncheng News (Reporter Li Bingrui)"Garbage sorting, little Lei Feng is in action", "Civilized travel, courteous to pedestrians", "Eliminating potential safety hazards, creating a civilized community", "Tomb-Sweeping Day’s civilized sacrifice, forest fire prevention is everyone’s responsibility" … Since the start of the "Civilized Yuncheng, Civilized You and Me" vibrato short video competition, high-quality works have emerged continuously, and the number of topics has continued to rise. As of April 2, the total broadcast volume of the contest topic has reached 130 million times. The entries depict the happiness of civilized Yuncheng in different forms and from different perspectives.

At present, the winners of the contest in March have been announced. At present, the entry channel is still open for the majority of participants. Participants need to post short videos related to the theme of the event on the vibrato platform, focusing on civilized tourism, civilized dog raising, civilized travel, civilized dining, civilized rural customs, integrity building, practicing socialist core values, family style and family training. Before publishing the work, you should add the topic of "# Civilized Yuncheng" to the video copy and edit the copy related to the video content.

Excellent works will be selected in the monthly activities, and 100 yuan will be rewarded with telephone charges, and the outstanding list of the current period will be announced on the 5th of next month. Excellent works will also be displayed on mainstream websites and platforms in Yuncheng.

Welcome everyone who loves your hometown, pick up the lens in your hand, capture the beautiful moment of the city, show the unique charm of Yuncheng and cheer for the civilized Yuncheng.

  • [Editor: Niu Ruimeng]

Huawei’s visual intelligent driving was launched, and the intellectual S7 was released.

□ Dahebao Yu video reporter Xie Yuanli

On April 11th, Huanxin upgraded five models, with the price ranging from 249,800 yuan to 349,800 yuan. It is worth noting that the S7 Pro, the basic version of Huawei Visual Smart Driving HUAWEI ADS, and the Zhijie S7 Ultra with a 100kWh battery pack were officially unveiled. At the same time of this renewal upgrade, new car rights and interests have been added: 30,000 yuan of renewal rights and interests, and 13,000 yuan of owner care for old owners, including 10,000 yuan of cash-filled red envelopes.

Shoufa Huawei Visual Intelligence Drive

Zhijie S7 Pro will be equipped with Huawei Visual Intelligent Driving HUAWEI ADS Basic Edition for the first time, so that a wider range of users can enjoy the fun and convenience of intelligent driving. Without relying on laser radar and high-precision maps, it can realize "the national expressway can be opened quickly and easily, and intelligent parking can be stopped easily"-the national expressway and urban expressway support NCA intelligent driving navigation assistance, intelligent driving up and down ramps, encountering road construction, cone-barrel diversion and other scenes, and have certain ability to change lanes and avoid obstacles. Intelligent parking supports more than 160 kinds of parking spaces, such as special-shaped parking spaces and custom parking spaces, which can be parked immediately. At the same time, the battery pack of Zhijie S7 Pro will be upgraded to 82kWh, and the comprehensive cruising range of CLTC will be increased to 705 km, and the increase will not be increased.

The intelligent driving that you can enjoy when you pick up the car, NCA, Huawei’s high-level intelligent driving city, has been fully upgraded recently, without relying on high-precision maps, so that all the main roads and branches of Zhijie S7 can be opened in 40,000+cities and towns across the country. In actual use, the success rate of smart driving urban elevated import/export is up to 99.2%. Intelligent parking supports parking on behalf of drivers, parking service and remote parking, and covers complex special-shaped parking spaces such as ultra-narrow parking spaces and mechanical parking spaces, which can be stopped by opening and stopping.

Intelligent driving is not showmanship, but safety is the true meaning. The omni-directional anti-collision system CAS2.0 protects driving safety in all directions-the effective range of forward AEB is 4-150km/h, and the maximum braking speed is 120 km/h. The effective range of lateral active avoidance is 40-130km/h, and water horses, rows of cones, kerbs, static and dynamic pedestrians, static and dynamic vehicles are actively identified. Backward active safety supports 1-60km/h active braking, actively identifies pedestrians crossing, moving two-wheeled vehicles and vehicles crossing, and reduces the accident probability.

Huawei is deeply empowered, and the intellectual S7 has super scientific and technological strength.

Since its listing, Zhijie S7 has gained extensive attention from the industry and the market, and has started large-scale delivery. This renewal upgrade, the Zhijie S7 model family has added the Zhijie S7 Ultra.

Zhijie S7 Ultra is equipped with a 100kWh battery pack, and the comprehensive cruising range of CLTC reaches 751 kilometers. In terms of passive safety and battery safety, the body of Zhijie S7 meets the C-NCAP five-star collision safety standard and the C-IASI collision safety requirements of China Insurance Research Institute. The battery pack is equipped with 13 layers of hard-core safety protection, which will not deform or catch fire during collision and bottoming.

As the first smart car, Zhijie S7 has been deeply empowered by Huawei in the fields of product definition, ID design, software and hardware development, etc. For example, Zhijie S7 comes standard with HUAWEI DriveONE 800V high-voltage silicon carbide high-efficiency power platform, with the fastest acceleration of 3.3s per 100 kilometers, the lowest power consumption per 100 kilometers and the longest cruising range of 855km. After the super power-saving mode 2.0 is turned on, the comprehensive cruising range of the vehicle can be improved by up to 10%, and the cruising range can be improved by one button. At the same time, Zhijie S7 is equipped with Huawei Turing intelligent chassis for the first time, and has been jointly adjusted by Huawei German Research Institute to intelligently control performance and calmly cope with various working conditions.

It is worth mentioning that the Super Desktop 2.0 of HarmonyOS 4 system in the intelligent cockpit of Zhijie S7 supports the full boarding of mobile phone applications, and HUAWEI MagLink can expand the screen for the back row. It has the ability of data transmission encryption, sensitive authority management and control, and personal data isolation, and is fully protected against network attacks and has no worries about privacy. In addition, in-vehicle intelligent assistant Xiaoyi will be connected to Huawei Pangu model in May and become a smarter private car consultant.